Advice to Stop Cheating on my Diet

I try to stay very motivated all week with my diet. However, when the weekend rolls around, it's another story. Either there are social gatherings and I am tempted or feel obligated to eat more than I should, or I end up eating out a lot on the weekend with my hubby. Also, I tend to "treat" myself to some naughty dessert/snack food as a reward for something. Any suggestions on how I can break this cycle and stay disciplined? Thanks!


  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    I suffer from this too and I may not be much of help but what I do is workout extra hard on the weekends and eat back all my exercise calories - may not be the best but for now it's working.....
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Lots of people find the weekend particular hard for all the reasons you mentioned!

    I'm quite guilty of the "treating" myself with food or alcohol, so since starting the diet I found NEW way to treat myself after a hard day or at a weekend. I try to get things in to pamper myself, got face masks, bath bombs and then I can use one of them as a treat instead. I know it's not quite the same but it is a much healthier way of making yourself feel treated without blowing the diet!
  • blondski
    blondski Posts: 36 Member
    This is my problem as well. We are always out running around on the weekends and eating out! I have tried putting half of the meal in a to go box before I take a bite....but I am not strong willed enough to do it all the time. I would like to know what would be better for me to order.....
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Just don't do it. Put down the fork. Learn the words, "No, thank you."
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    This is normal. When you know temptation is going to present itself just get a good workout in and eat responsibly.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    It's tough at times and it's very tempting on the weekends. I try to bring healthy snacks if I'm out or limit my choices on fast foods. If I do go out with my hubby I try to eat chicken and minus any sides. Once in awhile I treat myself but remind myself that its all about moderation and drinking plenty of water. Keep your goals in mind and remind yourself why you are wanting to lose the weight. Stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • Miss Louisee - that is a great idea. I think I might use your advice too! :)
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I allow myself one cheat day.. but I know not to go too crazy with it. Are you avoiding any certain foods while on your diet or are you eating normally, just in moderation? I found that when I tried to cut out foods completely, by the time the weekend rolled around, I was binging on stuff I said I wouldn't eat. Then I realized everyone was right about moderation. You can still eat out, but maybe look up the calories and decide when to get before getting there.. I could still have pasta, I just needed to measure it out and add the calories.

    I read a quote somewhere that helps me sometimes- "Cheating on your diet will not hurt your friends or family, the only person it will hurt, is yourself." I used this because I would sneak food when my fiance wasn't around so he couldn't say anything. Then I found this and realized it isn't hurting him when I sneak food, it's hurting me.
  • Honestly? Just stop it. Think of all the progress you made throughout the week. Having a treat once a week is nothing but if you're doing it constantly throughout the weekend...not a good idea. Once every few months, I allow myself a weekend of gluttony. And it's exactly that. But in order to adapt to this new lifestyle, you're going to have to force yourself. And the only way to get through it is to change your habits, however difficult they may be. You're probably going to feel anxiety but once you get over it, you can't help but feel good about yourself for making good decisions. You're going to see a change in your body and how you feel. That feeling alone is worth more than any food, regardless of the amount of temptation. I've dealt with it all of my life, so I know it's difficult. But the only way change happens is if you just start. Just spend one weekend eating right and just see how empowered you feel from knowing that you can make this healthy decision.

    Sorry if I sound kinda mean. I'm saying this more to myself than anyone else!
  • TheDeanWilson
    TheDeanWilson Posts: 1 Member
    I will start off by saying that I have the same problem and I fear it will become more of a problem as the fall and winter seasons come on. I may sound cliche, but I have found that pre-planning what I will eat, and journaling all that I do eat, is the still the best way to protect myself from slipping down the slope of a little of this and a little of that.
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I just pre-plan any treats and workout accordingly, but I don't do it every weekend. For example, last weekend, the BF and I wanted biscuits and gravy for breakfast, so we planned to go out hiking that day so we got our treat, a great workout and came out a ton of calories ahead.
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    Weekends are hard for everyone. I made my weigh-in day Monday mornings to help keep me in check over the weekend, and I also give myself a "eat whatever I want" day. This day is on Monday after I weigh-in. I eat whatever I have been craving the week before. By doing this I satisfy all of my cravings and it helps me to not overeat during the week.

    As for "rewarding" yourself with food, instead you need to write out a list of things you consider special that you don't always get to do or buy (not food). Then when you want to reward yourself look at that list and pick something. For me it's going to the movies or buying a new book.

    Good luck!
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Miss Louisee - that is a great idea. I think I might use your advice too! :)

    Thanks, I feel it really does help.
    Exercising helps as well, as you won't be as anxious about eating when you know you've done the exercise you planned to. Of course there are times when you will treat yourself but in moderation it is okay.

    I always tell people who say "my partner buys me treats" the same advice. Some people's partners will just come home with chocolate or cake or wine to treat their loved one. Tell your partner you are being good and if he or she wants to treat you then they can buy you bath things, flowers, etc.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I log everything BEFORE I eat it! That way I am not surprised at calories or fat, sugar, sodium levels. It also helps me control the binges!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm really not sure how I developed any sort of control. One thing that helped at first is if you know you are going to be around vending machines is to not have any money with you and now I look at things in them as a waste of money. If I know I am going to have fast food, I plan what I am going to eat and resolve to keep that plan. I switched from large fries to small....I eat regular hamburgers instead of cheeseburgers......a regular hamburger has 250 calories at Mcdonalds. Lately, I prefer it over the chicken, not sure why. If you are going to a resturant resolve to put half in a to go box and keep the resolve. You sometimes have to fight with yourself to win. Think about your mini goals..."If I eat this, then it's going to take longer to loose 10 lbs" . With that said, it's not like you can't have a treat now and then A McDonalds cone is 150 calories and the kiddie cone is 45 and the hot fudge sunday is 330. If planned well those things will not blow your day. Don't forget the exersice! If you exersice you can eat more. There are a few things I gave up such as diet soda and regular soda, McFlurries or anything resembling one....milkshakes, mostly things that have enough calories that could equal a meal. Now the milkshake thing is hard...if it's been a while since I had one and by a while I mean close to 6 months I might have one, but I have to plan it and exersice like crazy so it will fit into my day. Like I said I really don't do it often because it's not worth it. I know I've been mostly talking about sweets, but my big problem was salty things like chips. I still eat them, but I only eat the serving size and I will only eat pringles because it feels like a large amount. 2 can of pringles lasted me almost 4 weeks. That was also with 2 kids having some as well. In the past that would have never happened. LOL, I've developed lots of tricks and I'm EXTREMELY determined this time!
  • Rosyz
    Rosyz Posts: 10 Member
    My husband has lost over 130 lbs on MFP myself 27lbs. Recently my husband has been indulging on the weekends but is very strict with himself all week and works out hard. He is still losing but at a slower pace. That's what you have to look at whether you are gaining or still loosing even if it means one pound every week or two weeks! It's not a race but developing a good relationship with food. It's ok to eat what you enjoy occasionally and not beat yourself up!
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    Thank you so much for all your support! It looks like I need to have the stick-to-it-ive-ness and willpower to make this a lifestyle change. Exercise is a big must-do for me, too, as is logging my food before I eat. Glad I'm not alone in this!