New to MFP

Hi myname is Lori and I started a workout/diet program on 7/08/11. When I started I was 200 lbs. I am now down to 190.5lbs. I joined MFP on 8/24/11 and I love how easy it is to track your calories and exercise but I seem to be stuck. I have only lost .5 lbs since joining. I lift weights MWF and do 45-60 min of cardio 5X week. I am consistently staying under my cal goal but I can't get the scale to budge. Any suggestions?


  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    Sounds crazy but maybe you need to eat more...if you lifting weights & staying UNDER your calorie goal. Plus your probly building more muscle so it weighs more. I was told to NEVER go UNDER 1200 calories a day. But with you lifting weights it should probly be a lil higher than that. You can do it!!! Just keep working at it one day at a time. Keep up the good work.
  • mlbazan
    mlbazan Posts: 3 Member
    Try weight lifting. Building muscles helps burn fast. Additionally try to switch up your workouts. If your workouts are they same your body is adjusting. Try something new like Zumba or kickboxing. You'll meet new people and may even find a new workout you love! Good luck!
  • litldevil
    Check your measurements :) I only lost 2lbs in 2 months last time I needed to shift weight but I managed to shift 14 inches of fat! Keep on exercising and watching those calories it WILL come off. If muscle weighs more than fat theres a good chance you're building it with all those weights and cardio, the measurements will tell you if thats the case and eventually the overalll weight will start to drop. Good luck with it. Like you I've only just started but despite only losing 3 lbs I have lost 2 inches off my waist. That's good enough for me for now. Good luck and keep up the hard work.
  • kafergie
    kafergie Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm new too, procratination has kept me from getting to where I want to be. In your case, make sure you are not too far under your daily calories, or your body may feel threatened and hold onto fat stores. Also I don't know if you do it already but make sure your meals are frequent ( every 3 - 3.5 hrs) but not very large, the reason behind this is your body needs food stimulus to know that it is allowed to burn fat if you go more than 4 hrs without food the body goes into starvation mode ( a survival instinct ). You don't need to eat a huge meal just a bit to give the body permission to burn the fat stores in your body, this is why they recommend 5-6 meals a day. Another tip I would say is to make sure you are sleeping well, I noticed my weight/inch lose ( as well as recovery time ) stalled when I skimped on the sleep. Hope that helps, keep up the water too. Good luck!
  • muskiemama
    Thanks for the encouraging words. I have lost about 2 pant sizes. I am eating above my 1500 cal goal but with my exercise, my total calories are usually under goal.