Trying something new, willing to learn.

Hello ALL!!

My name is Charity and Im desperately trying to shead these last 40-50 lbs! Here's a little of my story,

I joined a Weight loss bootcamp, and lost close to 100lbs, I quit and decided I can maintain on my own, I met a boy (now my husband) and gained 30lbs total in relationship weight over the course of 6 months, we began planning a wedding and losing the weight seemed impossible, I starved myself to lose the 10 I needed to for my wedding dress, and right after the honeymoon I put back on the 10 + another 5!!! so now Im 35lbs away from where I began last summer and 50lbs away from my ideal weight!!, HOPING MVP can help!! Any tips and IDEAS are welcome

Nice to meet you all :)


  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    you can do it; we all just log our food just like WW and our exercise. I like this site because its not just showing me points but showing me the contents of what i'm eating. You start to see little trends and you can make adjusts as needed. for example in my 1st week i noticed i was going over my daily calories but was always over on sugar and carbs. the little things do make a big difference. hope this helps.
  • Iwillshyne
    Iwillshyne Posts: 245
    Hi, I'm just getting started my self so I feel kinda weird giving you advise being that you are so far along on your weight loss journey. I do have 1 suggestion tho, have you heard of Beachbody? Specifically P90X? I have a friend who completed the 90 day challenge and lost 45 lbs.
    ...More than anything I'd like to encourage you to keep going! You can do it, sis! Hey, you've worked so hard , you deserve it!! Best wishes on your journey...
  • Theselast50lbs
    I did my days food intake and thank you for the help! I noticed that I went over on my sugar although I am under my caloric goal. :) So Ill try to adjust tommorrow.
  • Theselast50lbs
    Girl I have p90x sitting in my home right was a wedding gift ! smh Im so scared I cant do it, but Ill pop it in this week and let you know how it goes. I wish you the best on your journey as well, I look forward to seeing and hearing great things from all of us. :)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    What you have described is yo-yoing ... which messes with your metabolism. What you need is to continue with a slow, steady and consisent effort both while losing and after you have met your goal. It has to be a real lifestyle change, both with regard to what you put into your body and the amount of energy you ask it to put out. If you focus on those, you will be successful! :)
  • brarew
    brarew Posts: 25 Member
    Keep in mind, the tortise and the hare, slow steady moves will get you there and keep you there. I have a pic I downloaded from this sight that says "make progress or make excuses" and the body on that page is I tend to listen to her. LOL! Check out my before and during, I am only half way there still have 40 pounds to go, come on, lets do it together!