Another newbie

Hi All!

I just had a baby and now I'm looking to shed all of that baby wait (and eating wait because let me tell you being pregnant was a great mental excuse for pigging out!) So now back to reality! Several year back I was up to 250lbs and was able to drop 100lbs by working my butt off and dieting so I know I can do it again, but the community support is an awesome motivator. I just started to do the 30 shred today and hopefully can get some gym time in, but babies take up time and they're cute so it's ok!

Katie :)


  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    You can always put the babies in the stroller and walk around the neighborhood, even the mall.

    Don't pig out... eat lean meats, whole grains, veggies (prepared right, even the yucky ones are good), and fruits.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    First of all, you may want to get the okay from your doctor to make sure you can go back to full activity, depending on when "just" was :)

    Feel free to add me! I also have a support group forum if you're interested :)
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Home exercise videos are great too. I like the Biggest Loser ones.
  • guastato
    guastato Posts: 11 Member
    Defintely got the ok from the doctor, it's been 10 weeks so we're good to go! I got the hubby on board too!