adjusting your BMR with Total Daily Expenditure

I have been obsessing lately over the fact that I am totally plateaued. I was doing 1200 calories per day then bumped it up to 1330 and no weight loss. I am a pretty muscular person, so I don't know if some of the 2-5 lb. weight gain is from that. Anyway, I was going by what MFP recommended for calorie intake. I found a formula for figuring your BMR (which mine comes to 1371) and then making an adjustment based on your activity level which puts my calories at 2125. Then to lost weight cutting that by 500 per day which makes my intake at 1625. I am totally petrified to up my calories by almost 300 per day! Does this sound right? If so, the recommended caloric intake on MFP is totally off and I am not consuming nearly enough calories per day. Help!


  • Gabika
    Gabika Posts: 26

    I have the same problem, so curious what to do... My cals goal is 1330, i lost few punds to begin with down to 62.3kg from 64.5kg, but for the past 2 weeks I am on 62.8kg ( managed to put on 0.5kg??!!) kg and the scale is not moving anymore??? very frustrating....
    so heeeelp!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have been obsessing lately over the fact that I am totally plateaued. I was doing 1200 calories per day then bumped it up to 1330 and no weight loss. I am a pretty muscular person, so I don't know if some of the 2-5 lb. weight gain is from that. Anyway, I was going by what MFP recommended for calorie intake. I found a formula for figuring your BMR (which mine comes to 1371) and then making an adjustment based on your activity level which puts my calories at 2125. Then to lost weight cutting that by 500 per day which makes my intake at 1625. I am totally petrified to up my calories by almost 300 per day! Does this sound right? If so, the recommended caloric intake on MFP is totally off and I am not consuming nearly enough calories per day. Help!

    Are you eating your exercise calories? You don't have to up your caloric goal, just eat back your exercise calories which MFP does that part for you. If you eat 1200 and burn 500 cals 5 days per week you will end up eating 10,900/week (1200*7+500*5), whereas if you go with TDEE you will eat 11,375 (1625*7) only a 475cal/week difference or 68 cals/day difference.

    It takes you to almost the same place, and this is why MFP has you eat your exercise calories. MFP goal + exercise cals ends up being very close to the TDEE caloric intake.
  • cedder1
    cedder1 Posts: 139 Member
    Yes, I guess I never looked at it that way......
  • Gabika
    Gabika Posts: 26
    sorry I hijacked your thread, i start a new one bout me :-)