do you love your job? if so, how come?

lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
I have come to realize that although I'm good at my job, I hate it. But I can't figure out what else I could do. What type of job would be both stimulating and gratifying? Where my eyes don't roll in the back of my head every damn day, and I don't dread getting out of bed every morning. What do you do for a living? and what does it take to become that?


  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    damn, me either!!! it makes me wonder if I'll ever love working, or if I'm just working to retire lol
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    of course, because I can play on MFP all day. Oh, wait, but I don't really enjoy my job.....
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I like my job alot. That being said, work is work and play is play. Can something be gratifying long term when it's a "job" or "work"? I'd save the stimulating and gratifying for your personal activities and do what you love and don't have to worry about making a living out of it. My job nets me $$$ and I can make it through 29/30 days out of the month satisfied.
  • Molly_Louise
    I wouldn't say I love my job, but I do really enjoy it. I only work 1 day a week though (I'm a student) so I'm not there much. I absolutely LOVE the people I work with though, so they make me enjoy my job more. I work in a department store.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Ok, so I am obviously a freak! I love my job. I am in sales/management. I work with people everyday. I work with floor coverings it is never the same thing twice. I love it when I can help people find the perfect flooring for thier room that coordinates with thier colors and decor. I am under paid, but it could be worse! I call my work home, and my home life my hobby.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Cause I get to train MILF's.
  • Busymomshantell
    Busymomshantell Posts: 126 Member
    I love my job - I stay home with my children. I did love my last job as a surgical scheduler for an Urological private practice. I started staying home after my husband had to relocate to a different state. I don't want to miss a minute of my 2 year old son's life. My oldest daughter graduated high school last year and my youngest daughter starts 7th grade tomorrow. Makes you realize how fast they grow up, and I want to cherish every minute. I think the people you work with makes it or breaks it for you in the workforce. I also loved my job at Texas Instruments as a Assistant Facility Manager, but like I said, who you work with makes the job.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I do enjoy my job... I take customer service calls for a government agency.

    Most of the people I talk to are great. A few amuse me. :wink:

    I work with really great people... I think that's the secret. The "corporate culture" here is pretty positive.
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    I enjoy what i do, I use to work for healthcare company and everyday it was go to work and take calls and get yelled at and then make your stats and when you do they love you and when you don't CRUCIFY him .. but i do medical transcription now and insurance sales the best thing about them both is its all laptop and i make my own schedule.. with insurance sales i deal with the older population and there is nothing better than putting a smile on someones face who feels like the world and society has forgotten about them and with medical transcription its a 24 hour turn around so i pick when i want to get the work done and they both pay great so can't feel back about either... if you can't love what you do, than do what you love and get paid for that ...
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    I really like my job. I hesitate to use the word 'love' because I don't think people should use such a strong word for work. I'm a chemist and despite how nice the title sounds, it doesn't make the gobs of money people may imagine. There is a good mix between physical work (formulating large tanks of liquid) and mental (testing on instruments). Additionally, my boss is laid back, very understanding and the team I'm on is overall helpful (about 80%). Before, I worked ten years at a bank which I could not stand because of the cutthroat community, politics, stress and angry customers.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom. So yes, I LOVE my job! What does it take to become one? You'll need a husband who can financially support your family and you'll need at least one child. Job security is pretty high and can usually be maintained until the youngest child starts school. Continue to keep your job by having more children. It is without a doubt the most fun and rewarding job a person can have. The only major downside is a serious lack of privacy while using the restroom.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    of course, because I can play on MFP all day. Oh, wait, but I don't really enjoy my job.....
    Not even a little bit. But if affords me flexibility. I work from home 3 days a week and can therefore go skating on those mornings. And MFP is one of the few unblocked sites when I'm actually IN the office.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    I am an IT guru and a gadget freak... I can't say that I love my job, but I love what I do. Where I work, is a different story. Not a bad company to work for, just not fast paced enough.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm really not the best person to ask. Here's why:

    In December 2009 I finished my MBA. It took me 4 years (worked full time, school at night and online). One month later I got laid off from my dream job. I was working in account management and had been in client service for high tech companies since 1996. I was working for a worldwide company with a great reputation, and only a few miles from my house (I went home for lunch every day).

    After getting laid off (budget reasons) I did contract work for a few months and landed the job I have now in Spring 2010. I switched industries and decided to go to somewhere more stable. This was a smart choice in a shaky economy. Now I no longer worry about my job from day to day. I am making $15,500 less per year (this is with a small raise in Dec 2010) and I miss working in High Tech every single day. I miss the work hard, play hard environment. I miss the ping pong tables and the people that would bring their dogs to the office. I miss having co-workers all in their 30s/40s (my co-workers now are mostly in their 50s/60s).

    My husband and I bought an investment property in Summer 2010 and I realized then that I had made a good decision career-wise. Why? Because I did not have to worry about layoffs, budget cuts, and not being able to contribute to our bills.

    I'm fully licensed in my field now (took me a year) and I get compliments from the higher ups. So I know I'm doing a great job. I'm working (daily) on really owning what I do and rocking it (even though it's something I never pictured myself doing).

    Pretty much on a daily basis I think about the fact that I have an MBA and years of experience and that I'm underpaid based on this. My commute is good though (20 minutes, reverse commute away from Boston). Sometimes in a tough economy you have to make hard choices. My workday ends at 4:30pm, I have my own office and for the first time in years I shut the door and don't touch work in my off-time.

    If you are thinking of doing something different the best advice I can give is to go to networking groups at least 1x/month. Find some free ones in your area. I really like the Downtown Women's Club and groups where new products and business ideas are launched (one in my area is called Mass Innovation Nights).
  • becky_turcotte
    I L-O-V-E my job! I am a house arrest case officer with a grant program thru the state of Tennessee. I have a 4 year degree and I worked for 7 years as a Probation/Parole officer (Which was not my favorite). I always wanted a job that made a difference, and here I feel like I do. It's not a job you get into for the $$$ or the prestige, it's hard work. Long hours and on call 24/7. But I would not change it for the world.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I enjoy my job. I'm a Crime Analyst. I spend my day crunching data and mapping crime and police reposnses to it. Everyday is a little different depending on the circumstances of my community. I like my job because it is what I have a passion for (criminal justice), have a great boss and coworkers, and because I've had enough crappy jobs to appreciate this one (I've waited tables, managed restaurants, cleaned carpets, sold pest control services, and worked in a group home before I got this job). To attain my position I got a BA in Political Science (did senior research paper on crime policy related topic) and a Master of Public Administration where I also did my research topics in criminal justice policy topics. I also took classes in GIS (geographic information systems).

    I just recommend you find something you are passionate about. Let's face it, it is rare to get a job paying you to do something both easy and fun (Fishing anyone?) but you can find topics you are passionate about and map a career around that.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I really enjoy mine because I have an incredible boss. It's a team of 3 of us that work directly with our CFO. While I know he singles us out for meetings and outings, I LOVE being in the in-crowd. Being so close to someone at the top, we know all the inner workings of our corporation, know who's getting canned, who's getting hired. It's finally great to not be an underling anymore.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I love the people I work with. I like the type of work I do (I'm an admin assistant, basically). I like the pay. I hate the location (60 mile commute each way). But I have a job and I'm thankful for it. I've been with the company for over 6 years and have had several different positions. I'm still able to grow in my career. I'm respected and sought for advice. That's why I stay.
  • Chunkabutt83
    i love my job because im a stay at home mom :)