Howdy from CO! ;D

stellarDNA Posts: 1
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I'm Mindy and I decided to finally use my account on here after having made it a while back.

A friend of mine talked me into competing in a beauty pageant (which has a bikini part to it) so I decided to start working out with her and her trainer to get ready for it. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure I want to do the pageant yet but hey, it's a good excuse for getting in shape again! I'm a pre-med college student so eating right and working out is something I only wish I could do. Finding time has been so hard but this semester has given me a little freedom so why not workout and get healthy again, right? :)

Looking forward to learning a lot from this site! My whole problem is finding good things to eat (and REMEMBERING to eat while I'm at school).

XO - Mindy aka "Stellar"
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