Re: Flabby tummy and arms

What is the best way (exercise-wise) to get rid of flabby arms and belly?! I am still suffering from them after my 40-pound loss. :(


  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Cardio and crunches for the belly. Tricep dips and extensions. Some of the flab is going to hang around cuz skin is stretchy. And then there is that age thing...
  • Its my problem too after I lost 44 lbs. despite doing cardio + crunches, weight lifting & although my 3-days a week circuit strength training does help but still I see some rolls of fat on my belly, my thighs also is still somewhat fatty & my arms is still jiggling whenever I try to wave. I like to have a flat abs but I guess its part of being a woman to retain some extra fat on the body :0(
  • Cardio and crunches for the belly. Tricep dips and extensions. Some of the flab is going to hang around cuz skin is stretchy. And then there is that age thing...

    Arrrgghh! She's only 27!! :)

    I only had a few pounds to lose but I'm left with some stretchy stuff here and there, but then again, at 54, that's not too surprising. Still working on tightening it up, though, not giving up.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    You need to build muscle to firm them up- Lift heavy stuff.
    Eff Crunches- they're boring. Try Planks, Drunken Superman, Hello Darlin's & total body exercises that require the use of your core for stabilization, like push-ups, burpees, 8 point bodybuilders etc...

    Ultimately though fatloss is the only thing that gets rid of flab because well, that's what flab is.

  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Cardio and crunches for the belly. Tricep dips and extensions. Some of the flab is going to hang around cuz skin is stretchy. And then there is that age thing...

    Arrrgghh! She's only 27!! :)

    I only had a few pounds to lose but I'm left with some stretchy stuff here and there, but then again, at 54, that's not too surprising. Still working on tightening it up, though, not giving up.

    Sorry! I never look at anyone's age. I was thinking of myself and believe me, I am OLD (tee hee!).
  • You look a lot more fit than I do, I am very embarrassed. :( Awesome job though! :)
  • Arrrgghh! She's only 27!! :)

    I only had a few pounds to lose but I'm left with some stretchy stuff here and there, but then again, at 54, that's not too surprising. Still working on tightening it up, though, not giving up.

    You look a lot more fit than I do! I am embarrassed!!! Amazing job though. ;)
  • You need to build muscle to firm them up- Lift heavy stuff.
    Eff Crunches- they're boring. Try Planks, Drunken Superman, Hello Darlin's & total body exercises that require the use of your core for stabilization, like push-ups, burpees, 8 point bodybuilders etc...

    Ultimately though fatloss is the only thing that gets rid of flab because well, that's what flab is.


    I have no idea what you just said, I need to google them first. :( I have only been doing circuit training and tae bo; I just really have no idea what to do for what. Thanks for the suggestions though. :)
  • You need to build muscle to firm them up- Lift heavy stuff.
    Eff Crunches- they're boring. Try Planks, Drunken Superman, Hello Darlin's & total body exercises that require the use of your core for stabilization, like push-ups, burpees, 8 point bodybuilders etc...

    Ultimately though fatloss is the only thing that gets rid of flab because well, that's what flab is.


    I have no idea what you just said, I need to google them first. :( I have only been doing circuit training and tae bo; I just really have no idea what to do for what. Thanks for the suggestions though. :)

    A good start is listening to that girl... the eff crunshes thing. She's my bestie and has done some AMAZING things with herself, as you can see if you visit her story. Short of that, while people tout cardio (I'm was a total follower of this too unfortunately) the more serious I get about this stuff the more I see trainers saying get away from the cardio. I know when you build the supporting muscle behind something, the surface will conform. And lots of water, like poop loads. I also fail to listen to this, but I'm new to caring about weight loss as well. When i was in my early 20's I spent some time in the gym and was losing weight. My bosum started to droop with the weightloss but building the supporting muscle tisue brought them back up where they should be. Tummy's will work the same way. Yesterday I read an article about a 50 something year old woman in menopause who could barely walk her stairs, she now has the body of a 25yo athlete... from weights, not cardio. And it isn't a "buff" body, that's why I didn't want to lift, I didn't want to be "buff". I'm slowly learning the whole muscle thing is the way to go to get rid of the jiggle and jive that remains when we lesson the supporting insulation. :)
  • Wow, how did you loose 47 pounds? That is really totally something to celebrate. I'm just starting my journey and can't visualize the loss. I'm afraid of jiggline too -- even though I already do. Good luck..
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    You don't get to pick and choose where you lose fat from by targeting it with exercise. You can do all the crunches and tricep kickbacks you want... that's working the muscle and not the fat that resides between your skin and the muscle. What's more is fat comes off in a pattern that's genetically predetermined.

    I don't know your specifics, but as has been noted above... some variant of strength training mixed with appropriate nutrition to assure further fat loss is likely called for.

    I'd read these threads:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    You don't get to pick and choose where you lose fat from by targeting it with exercise. You can do all the crunches and tricep kickbacks you want... that's working the muscle and not the fat that resides between your skin and the muscle. What's more is fat comes off in a pattern that's genetically predetermined.

    I don't know your specifics, but as has been noted above... some variant of strength training mixed with appropriate nutrition to assure further fat loss is likely called for.

    I'd read these threads:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    While there's no such thing as spot training, it can help to do strength training to build up the muscle which will fill in the skin, especially on your arms. And please don't worry about "bulking up" - as a woman, it's pretty much impossible to do that unless you've got a rare combination of genes/hormones or you're on a very regimented routine/diet/suppliments. Most of us will not builk up, we're just not built that way.

    Ok, sorry, soapbox moment there.. :)

    Also, I've read that it can take up to 2 years for skin to recover from weight gain/loss so you may just need to be patient. Some things I've read that can help are - make sure you're properly hydrated, make sure you get plenty of good fats in your diet, and try using cocoa butter or firming lotions and they can help the skin stay hydrated and recover.

    Unfortunately a lot of it is genetics too so your skin either will or won't fully recover. Plus, we're all our own worst critics so it's probably not as bad as you think... Either way, keep remembering that it's better to be healthy and fit and have flappy arms than to be overweight and unhealthy. I know...easier said than done... :)
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    While there's no such thing as spot training, it can help to do strength training to build up the muscle which will fill in the skin, especially on your arms.

    That's assuming the flabbiness is excess skin opposed to subcutaneous fat.
  • i thought to get really toned abs (the "six pack"), you really need to get under 10% body fat level? I.e., you can do all the muscle training you want, but your abs won't look as toned unless you get the fat % under 10?
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    i thought to get really toned abs (the "six pack"), you really need to get under 10% body fat level? I.e., you can do all the muscle training you want, but your abs won't look as toned unless you get the fat % under 10?

    Well if fat remains the same and muscle is gained, your body fat % will drop. However, you're correct.... until you ditch the subcutaneous fat that's between your skin and your muscles, you're not going to obtain that lean look that most are going for.

    And 10% is a roundabout ballpark that applies to men. Some will see abs slightly higher and some will need to go slightly lower. Women can see abs at higher body fat %s.