Fast food cravings

vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
Just wanted to share an awesome strategy that my friend at the gym shared with me . . .

I really have a tough time passing up fast food or just eating out in general (especially after a long day at work!) so this friend of mine suggested to say to myself "well, I will go there tomorrow if I still want it that badly" and then the next day comes and I have either totally forgotten or I simply no longer have the desire to eat there.

It's just something that works well for me and it helps me get past those darn impulse cravings! :smile:


  • This is good advise. I do the same thing and so far so good!!!!!!!!
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    I may have to try that, but I'm afraid my craving for Arby's might last for days on end!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I do the same thing! I have been craving pizza for weeks, but I keep telling myself, next weekend....and I have yet to order it!
  • If I'm really craving some fast food, I'll make a point to go out and pass by the place that I"m craving, then go home and have something healthy. It works for me, and I like going out for a short drive during the day if I'm bored!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I love fast food!!!! I have done really good giving it up, but if I find myself there, I get the smallest burger and fries!
  • downlbs
    downlbs Posts: 5 Member
    I am a newbie here, but from past weight loss...I always try to keep snacks in the car. Usually the desire for fast food is when I am hungry and I am driving home from some place. Also as a Christian I have a hard time fasting for spiritual the little things like denying my fast food stop...not going to that garage sale. ect...I offer up.
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