Master Cleanse



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    It's funny how this diet has morphed over the years. The original Master Cleanse diet from the late 70's early 80's started with lemon/cayanne/syrup for 3 days then you added vegtable broth for a few days and then the vegtables from the broth. After that you slowy added your food back in. The idea was to prepare your body for a new healthy lifestyle. The Master cleanse of today is much harder on the system with all the laxative/salt flush junk. You be better off doing a plain water fast with dried apricots or other fiber fruti and then get your food back on track then subject your body to this. I know it works for a lot of folks, because they get immediate results, but I don't think the long term effects such as leaching nutrients and the like from your body is worth it.

    I will say when I did this back in 1981 I liked the lemonade, but then I like all things hot. I'm of the belief that if it doesn't have some heat its not really food. :-)
  • CgabrielChubRub
    It's funny how this diet has morphed over the years. The original Master Cleanse diet from the late 70's early 80's started with lemon/cayanne/syrup for 3 days then you added vegtable broth for a few days and then the vegtables from the broth. After that you slowy added your food back in. The idea was to prepare your body for a new healthy lifestyle. The Master cleanse of today is much harder on the system with all the laxative/salt flush junk. You be better off doing a plain water fast with dried apricots or other fiber fruti and then get your food back on track then subject your body to this. I know it works for a lot of folks, because they get immediate results, but I don't think the long term effects such as leaching nutrients and the like from your body is worth it.

    I will say when I did this back in 1981 I liked the lemonade, but then I like all things hot. I'm of the belief that if it doesn't have some heat its not really food. :-)

    the way you described how it used to be is how I've done it. There is an ease in phases before the lemonade comes into play. The salt water flush/laxative aren't really necessary. I use a herbal tea that I drink even when I'm not cleansing.

    If you ease in and out right and don't use it as a "crash diet" the weight will stay off minus a few lbs once you actually incorporate sustenance into your body. But it has always helped me get back on track eating wise, and for those who have ACTUALLY DONE IT will agree it really gives you a grasp on the difference between "hunger" and "cravings"