Just need a little bit of support



  • mrsmandywood
    Can i ask have you been told that you have got mosaic turners syndrome? I do have it and I have been told that I can not have children unless I have IVF and I will have to have egg donation. :(
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I was told that I have some signs of Mosaic Turners Syndrome but they said that it should not affect my chances of having kids (fingers crossed), I came off the pill and was then advised by my doctor to get the Implanon so I did in March, I am worried about never been able to have kids but wont be able to find out until my boyfriend is ready to try and he is the reason that I'm on the Implanon because he isn't ready for kids. The one thing in life that I want the most is kids and it scares me to think that I might never be able to conceive naturally and I can't talk to anyone about it for fear that I might be told that I am been silly.
  • mrsmandywood
    Your not being silly, I know how you feel. I have always wanted kids since i was young. I wanted to get married, buy a house n have 2-3 kiddies. I was told i had turners when i was 27 after years of trying to find out what was wrong with me. i had to change my doctor to get results. (long story but ended up suing my original doctor) Being told at 27 that i had turners and would not be able to have my own children naturally or use my own eggs was heart breaking. my world fell apart and no one understood how i felt.
    The worst is when u see others popping kids out like there's no tomorrow and you cant help but feel sad.
    Keep strong and know that your not alone out there.. If you cant conceive naturally it will be hard for you at first but once you get that shock over and come to terms with it you will see that at least there are other ways to have kids, i have to be strong too and believe that once this weight has gone i will get to have my own child, might not be my egg but it will still be my baby and thats all that matters.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    A lot of girls my age and most of my old friends all seem to be popping out babies so it hurts already even if my boyfriend and I are not even trying because there were times when we had unprotected sex and I never fell pregnant and it seems so easy for other people and I wanted it to be easy for me, my boyfriend always changes his mind, one day he will say that he doesn't want kids, the day he says that he does but not until he is thirty but I hope he is joking because I want to be a young mum, I ant to be able to run around after them so I don't know how to explain it all to him. :(
  • mrsmandywood
    Yeah, I am 31 now, I wish that I had met my husband years ago and found out what was wrong with me sooner so that I could have started this weight loss journey then and been a young mum, I know how it hurts when ur friends all have kids, I only know 1 friend who hasn't got one yet but she is now having to go into the adoption route because she has had 2 failed attempts at IVF and they had bad effects on her body and mind.
    My husband always said from the start that he wanted kids and I was straight with him that it would be a problem but that I wanted them too. Its not really fair of your bf to not give you a proper answer as you know you want them and if he doesn't then you will have to decide if you can give up being a mother for him or if you need to find someone else who is wanting them to.
    You never know he might just be scared about becoming a father.
    Have you been with him long?
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    That must suck, at least he is straight up about wanting kids, I just wish that my boyfriend would give me a straight answer so that I can work out everything now, he is only 18 and I will be 21 in October and we have been together for 4 years so it's a long time and at the moment I am just waiting for him to figure things out, He could be scared but it's not as if I want to start trying today or even this year but I need to know how he feels.