How to Hard Boil an Egg?



  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Put the eggs in cold water. Bring to boil. Turn off heat and cover. Leave for 15 minutes. Then put in sink and replace hot water with cold water with a whole tray of ice cubes.

    The cold bath causes the egg inside the shell to contract and then you can take the shell off very easy.

    Thanks for this info. I can never get it quite right.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I put them in a pot and cover with cold water. I set the timer for about 19 minutes and leave them alone. When the time goes off I immediately dump out the hot water and fill them with cold - drain and do it again.

    They do seem easier to peel when cold. But I have had issues cold and hot.

    I've also read to crack the egg when finished but before dumping the hot water.

    Just blame it on the egg. :wink:
  • cheryl72076
    I don't have a suggestion..useless post I know:ohwell: ...BUT I just thought this was hilarous since this morning I was cursing at my eggs cause of this very thing. I told myself when I got to work I was going to post and find any suggestions but you've beat me to it...BLESS YOU!!! But I am going to try the tricks that all of you were so nice to offer up. Cheers to eggs! :bigsmile:
  • whispiri
    whispiri Posts: 43 Member
    I was taught by a professional cook once that was a roomate of mine years ago. He said they crack and role the egg on the counter until most of the shell is broken. Usually the shell peels off easily. But you need to get under the skin that separates the egg from the shell. Once under that skin, the broken shell pretty much slides off then. I usually find that end of that skin somewhere on the ends of the egg. And sometimes older eggs (ones closer to the due date) are a little harder to separate the skin and shell.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I make four hard boiled eggs three times per week to eat for breakfast at work after the gym, I have become quite proficient at it.

    - Place eggs in cold water, and bring to boil.
    - Remove from heat, cover for 10-12 minutes (depending on how you like the inside, I like mine softer to I go with 10.)
    - Remove eggs from pan and run under cold water for a minute or two.
    - Tap narrow end on counter to crack and peel from there.

    Typically the air pocket collects at the wide end of the egg. If you start peeling at the wide end you run the risk of not peeling the skin away along with the shell. Starting at the narrow end, ensures that you are peeling the skin as well, which will make peeling much easier.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Put the eggs in cold water. Bring to boil. Turn off heat and cover. Leave for 15 minutes. Then put in sink and replace hot water with cold water with a whole tray of ice cubes.

    The cold bath causes the egg inside the shell to contract and then you can take the shell off very easy.

    Works perfect every time!
    This is how I do it as well. I recently read that salt in the water helps make peeling easier, so I started adding 1 teaspoon of salt to the water. It seems to make a diference. Also, I use my oldest eggs for hard boiling.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I have to add the reason this works for me is the heat is off. Sooooo, if I forget and leave them on the stove for say, 40 minutes, I don't have pop eggs. (yup, eggs will pop open and send yolk all over the kitchen if you boil all the water down. :ohwell: )

    So when someone told me to do it this way, I was really happy it worked. :laugh:
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice... I will be trying small batches over the weekend until I figure it out, me thinks :p

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I put the eggs in the water, bring it to a boil for 15 minutes, then run cold water over them to cool them before I peel. They turn out perfect.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    My technique may sound silly, but it works for me. I bring the water to a light boil. I poke a needle through the shell at the tip of the egg. I put the egg(s) in the boiling water (you see tiny bubbles coming out of the needle hole which always makes me laugh so it is worth doing for that alone). Boil for 10 plus minutes. Rinse in cold water. Crack and peel.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    20 mins
    15 mins
    13 mins

    Wow, are you boiling ostrich eggs?! 3 minutes for a half and half egg for dipping soldiers. 5 mins hard boiled. More than that it goes rubbery and bouncy!

    And a whole tray of ice cubes?!?! Just tap it, and peel it under a cold running tap. Job done!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I've always heard that if the egg is very fresh when you boil it the shell sticks to the egg when peeling it. I put my eggs into the water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, and let them sit in the hot water for 20 mins. I use extra large eggs and this works for me.

    I dunno how true that is ~ I get my eggs from my mom's chickens and I never have an issue. They are fresh from the chicken ;)

    I add my eggs to cold water and then heat to boil. Boil about 10 mins and then turn the heat off and let them sit for about 10 more. Then I douse them in cold water and knock them a few times on the counter. I never have an issue w/ sticking.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    Put the eggs in cold water. Bring to boil. Turn off heat and cover. Leave for 15 minutes. Then put in sink and replace hot water with cold water with a whole tray of ice cubes.

    The cold bath causes the egg inside the shell to contract and then you can take the shell off very easy.

    This. I do let mine boil for 3 min before the 15, but either works.
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    I've always heard that if the egg is very fresh when you boil it the shell sticks to the egg when peeling it. I put my eggs into the water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, and let them sit in the hot water for 20 mins. I use extra large eggs and this works for me.

    New fresh egg always stick to shells, buy and wait for 3 or so days before boiling!!


    Yep. This. Wait about a week after buying eggs.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Ok, I guess we all do it a little differntly. I never have a problem and I always add my eggs to boiling water. I use a big spoon to lay then in one by one so they don't crack open! I se teh timer for 11-12 minutes. Rinse under lots of cold water until they are not longer hot to teh touch. Then I still them in a bowl inthe fridge. When I'm ready to eat one. I just peel and rinse and yummmmmm.....:tongue: