This plateau is killing me.

Okay, so last year I lost 30 pounds and 3 pant sizes. I'm all about health now, but I didn't do that in the healthiest way there is. So I've gained about 10 of those pounds back and I'm almost 130. I literally CANNOT get past this. It bounces 129-131. But I know that's water weight. My body is freaking I think, because I'm eating again, which I stopped doing for a while and my bodys not used to it. But i've been on a healthy track for almost 3 months now (PLUS I gained that weight) and I can't get past this stupid 130 plateau. Helpp :cry:


  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    MFP took into account everything you plugged in when determining your goals. You definitely want to try to eat back at least half, if not all of your calories, if possible.

    If you are eating your exercise calories, consider increasing your calories by 200 calories and see if adjusting helps you get the weight to come off.

    Plateaus happen, unfortunately, and when they do, that only means that it is time for a change, because your body has grown accustomed to what it was used to doing. Once it is adjusted, you will get stuck on a plateau and start to feel discouraged.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Took a very quick look a your diary and it looks like you're only at 1300 calories a day. Have you considered increasing that? As a general rule, the closer you get to your goal, the closer to a maintenance calorie level you should be. May want to switch up your workout routine as well! Try a new class, try strength training if you haven't already, etc. Good luck!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Took a very quick look a your diary and it looks like you're only at 1300 calories a day. Have you considered increasing that? As a general rule, the closer you get to your goal, the closer to a maintenance calorie level you should be.

    I agree! I went through a 2 month long plateau eating 1200 calories. I upped it to 1400, and still no change. I then set MFP at a 0.5 lb/week loss, which gives me 1700 calories, and I started losing again. When you don't have much to lose, many of us have to eat more to get rid of the weight, as counter-intuitive as that may sound.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Yeah, and get some rest.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Took a very quick look a your diary and it looks like you're only at 1300 calories a day. Have you considered increasing that? As a general rule, the closer you get to your goal, the closer to a maintenance calorie level you should be.

    I agree! I went through a 2 month long plateau eating 1200 calories. I upped it to 1400, and still no change. I then set MFP at a 0.5 lb/week loss, which gives me 1700 calories, and I started losing again. When you don't have much to lose, many of us have to eat more to get rid of the weight, as counter-intuitive as that may sound.

    This. I shoot for 1750 a day. Eat more to lose more!
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I agree with all the replies and after taking a quick look at your diary, I would caution to watch the sodium as that will give you water retention. Frozen meals have tons of salt and maybe try keeping track of that component in your diary.