new girl

Im new on here. I am searching for a buddy that we can keep in touch with each other to track our progress. anyone out there?


  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome!! This site is awesome and the people definitely help keep you on track and motivated! Feel free to add me!
  • I just started this yesterday, but i've been working out for 6 weeks and only lost 5 lbs. Can anyone give me some pointers. I don't want to be 200 lbs anymore:yawn:
  • add me if you like, don't know if i can be of much use though lol
    JULIEICAC Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome. Everyone here is so supportive. You will be right at home!
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Ditto that... the support is great - nice to voice off sometimes about something or nothing.

    Add me as a friend - we can motivate eachother..

    Good luck..

    Mel x
  • always room for more friends :0) been on here since January and Love it...lots of support feel free to add me
  • Welcome! I've started here a few weeks now and love it! Great support too :) and you get some new ideas from others too. Best of's free!

    Feel free to add me.
  • Welcome. This is my first week on here and so far it has motivated me to keep going! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • feel free to add me...good luck!
  • I'm new as can add me to!
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Feel free to add me