Women and Body Image...What is your input?



  • zebraroonie
    I struggle with my goal weight a lot. Ultimately, do what makes you happy!!

    But don't get too caught up on the number either. I know, easier said than done, bc I'm totally number obsessed!=)

    Look at the overall picture--body fat percentage, your porportions etc. You look great from your pic, but only you live in YOUR body!=) Do you girlfirend!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My brother's girlfriend is 5'10 and around 170. She wants to be 140 and I'm like no way. I say go for 165. I've lost about 20 lbs and my family is saying I'm "skinny as a rail". At 5'5" and 151 lbs, I don't think so. I told them that I wanted to get to 145 and they said I shouldn't lose anymore weight. I actually feel great at my size right now so the 145 is up in the air but do what you feel comfortable with!

    Well you look fab at your weight!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I struggle with my goal weight a lot. Ultimately, do what makes you happy!!

    But don't get too caught up on the number either. I know, easier said than done, bc I'm totally number obsessed!=)

    Look at the overall picture--body fat percentage, your porportions etc. You look great from your pic, but only you live in YOUR body!=) Do you girlfirend!

    Thank you! I try not to be number obsessed, but I am a Capricorn and we are obsessed about everything that we can control! LOL
  • Kellywithjustay
    Ya- I agree with the previous poster- if they don't know how much you weight they probably don't think you weigh as much as you do. I am alot heavier than I look and people never believe me when I tell them what I weigh.

    If your goal is within the healthy BMI range then don't let anyone tell you that's you'll be too skinny. (Plus if you are exercising you'll be gaining muscle and toning and defining, so it's not like you'll just be skin and bone- you'll be healthy and shapely. )
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think people are so used to "overweight" being normal and are afraid of over "skinny" that they don't know what is healthy anymore. "Healthy" can be a big range. But there's nothing wrong with being on the slightly lower side of healthy. I'm 5'9" and 151 right now. My goal is 145ish. I've been there before and was wearing a size 8. My family told me I was too skinny... Yeah, my family with high risk of diabetes and high blood pressure due to being overweight. Whatever. I eat between 1800 - 2500 calories a day. Pretty sure I don't have an eating disorder. I ignore them. They don't know.

    But I do avoid saying "I have ## more to lose", or even "I want to lose more". I just say "thank you" to the complements and move on.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I dont let what others say bother me....I do what feels best for me and my body!!!! Some people say my weight is heavy for my height but I lift heavy and have a lot of muscle. I go by how I look and feel. :-)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    My understanding (and this could be completely wrong, so no one yell at me) is that if you carry excess weight, your bone density increases. Also, carrying excess weight, requires additional muscle to carry it around. Don't shoot for what you weight in high school. shoot for 10-20 pounds over that and then adjust when you get there.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My understanding (and this could be completely wrong, so no one yell at me) is that if you carry excess weight, your bone density increases. Also, carrying excess weight, requires additional muscle to carry it around. Don't shoot for what you weight in high school. shoot for 10-20 pounds over that and then adjust when you get there.

    Perfect! So I can do 175 LOL...
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think most of the time when people say, "Oh, don't lose any more weight, you'll look to skinny!" they are simply trying to dissuade you from continuing to lose weight, because it shows them up.

    It is possible to be to skinny, and there are people on this board trying desperately to lose weight who should not be. I'm talking about people weighing under 100 pounds.

    I figure pretty much as long as you get to the point where you don't have portions of your body drooping over from fat, you've won the battle.

  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    My brother's girlfriend is 5'10 and around 170. She wants to be 140 and I'm like no way. I say go for 165. I've lost about 20 lbs and my family is saying I'm "skinny as a rail". At 5'5" and 151 lbs, I don't think so. I told them that I wanted to get to 145 and they said I shouldn't lose anymore weight. I actually feel great at my size right now so the 145 is up in the air but do what you feel comfortable with!

    Well you look fab at your weight!

    Thank you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I entered a goal weight when I joined this site because it made me. But honestly I don't know or care if I ever reach it or if I exceed it. I have settled on an exercise and eating plan that is healthy and workable for me so I'm just sticking with it and where I end up is where I'll end up. I figure as long as I'm living a healthy life that will be the weight I'm supposed to be.

    I'm 5' 5" and 154 right now and still losing very slowly (about 1 lb per month) so I figure I'll probably only lose another 5 - 10 before leveling out. But who knows?
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I am dealing with your issue also. Take a look at my weight ticker. I hit my (2nd) goal weight yesterday. I am considering setting another goal however I have had several people tell me that I shouldn't lose any more weight. Thing is I am at the middle of my BMI and at my lowest weight I weighed 15 pounds less than I do now. I also figure if I lose a little more now if I gain it back in the future it won't be all bad. :)
  • ledaweiss
    ledaweiss Posts: 8 Member
    I had a fanastic body in my teens at 150lbs (I'm 5'5) and everyone told me to lose weight (doctor, family, coaches etc). Causing many, many body issues and food issues, later in life I put on over 100lb. Now I'm only setting small goals, around one dress size at a time. When I feel confident about my body I will stop. Regardless of BMI or scale.
  • litlpineapple
    litlpineapple Posts: 63 Member
    Hey! Since starting MFP I've gone around a bit of what I want my goal weight to be (the smallest I've been, a little over, a little under...) and what I've concluded is to set it right now for my lowest weight and see how I feel when I get there. I'm halfway there now. I don't care about the number, if I have a flat belly and am "thin" looking I'll stop at whatever number.

    I think it should be about how you feel and how you look. Not what other people say about you. 20lbs may sound like a lot but sometimes it isn't. Good luck finding your "happy weight"!
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    I know how you feel. I got the same responses when I lost my first 10 lbs. I am 6 feet tall and currently weigh 186 and many people think I shouldn't lose anymore. I was 30 lbs lighter when I met my Husband 9 years ago but I feel I was too thin then. I started out a 14 and am now a size 10 or 12 depending on if the fabric has spandex or pants vs skirts. At this point if I lose anymore weight, I really won't have much clothing to wear and I like what I see in the mirror. BMI indicates I should lose another 3 or 4 lbs to be at a healthy BMI but for now I like where I am at. We are planning to have another baby and losing weight in my case could be lowering my fertility, thus I have elected to maintain and have done so for the past two months.

    Do what makes you feel comfortable. :)
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I agree with Steve "I think most of the time when people say, "Oh, don't lose any more weight, you'll look to skinny!" they are simply trying to dissuade you from continuing to lose weight, because it shows them up. "

    I also think that most people in our familes aren't used to anyone being a healthy weight even though it might be on the leaner side. It's really all about them not having the guts to have discipline and determination.

    I really stopped having a weight goal and just want to be in some 6s and a 8 in every store. I also have measurement goals. I want to be 34-26-38. I have three inches in my waist and three inches in my hips to go so if I am consisered "skinny" by my peeps then oh well. It's your happiness right?
  • ygrad2001
    You have to do what is best for you. Where are you most comfortable, you might get to a certain weight and realize that you are ready to mainitain. It shouldn't always, even though its hard, be about the number on the scale. How do you feel in your clothes? Are you healthy? Remember it is your body and only you have to live in it. What everyone else thinks doesn't matter.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Everyone has some really great points.....it is about how I feel about my body and where I want to be personally. And I so feel brnsgr78 on the measurement thing. I need to think about this as well va va voom status LOL
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I hear the same thing. I'm nearly 5'10 and 165 is my goal weight as well. People tell me all the time that its too skinny and that I will look FUNNY at that size. I'll see as I approach it. Maybe they are right, maybe they are not. The only way to KNOW is to try it. Thats STILL my aim until "I" CHOOSE otherwise.
  • roxyblack
    roxyblack Posts: 23 Member
    THIS WAS SO ME!!! I've dropped 45 pounds since last year and when I evaluate myself, I think I could do 5 or so more pounds. However, I get so much slack over being too skinny already... my friend (that is my height and weighs about 7 pounds LESS than me) is constantly posting upsetting comments on my facebook photos like "Eat something!!" or "Do I need to buy you a sandwich?" Since I've told her it really bothered me, she has stopped but I get it from other people too... What bothered me the most about her comments was that I have NEVER stopped eating...I lost weight slowly by working out and choosing a healthier lifestyle.

    People's comments just make me second guess myself or lead me to be believe I have become "obsessed". I talked to my doctor about it at my last appointment and he assured me that even if I did drop those extra 5 pounds, I would still be in "Normal weight" category.

    Moral of the story: Do what you want... if you reach you're goal and decide that maybe you are too skinny, gain some back....dont let your friends get in the way of reaching your goals!