Fell off the wagon.

Alright friends, I lost all my college weight last year, and have officially gained it ALL back. Does anyone have any tips for getting back on the wagon? I'm in school so I'm having trouble making it to the gym every day. Started tracking calories again, hope that helps... :/ Mostly just so mad at myself that it's keeping me in the rut longer.


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    being accountable is the first step!!! log those calories, post on the boards, and look to the future!!! we all make mistakes!!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    We're slowing down the wagon for you, so you can get back on. Start by making small changes. Log everything, even if it's not a great day. Set little goals like having a raw fruit & veggie serving each day, taking a daily 30 minute walk, etc. If the gym isn't an option, maybe you can rent a few workout DVDs and find one you like. Soon these will grow into bigger goals and lifestlye changes. You can do this girl!
  • katiemcb09
    katiemcb09 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! I think those are good ideas. I have a couple Jillian Michaels videos, and some other stuff on On Demand at home... maybe that's a good idea to ease back in. Also have a Nature Center membership, thought about taking hikes when I can? And definitely tracking calories. I did this once, hopefully I can do it again!