Weight loss success with hypothyroidism?



  • I'm so glad that I found these posts. I was diagnosed with hypo about 5 days ago so naturally I began to educate myself on the disorder. I've read horror story after horror story of people gaining weight on meds. Kind of psyched myself out. Glad that there are people out there that have this under control and are actually feeling normal. Thank you all for your posts :flowerforyou:
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    I have dealt with thyroid disease since 1988! Have learned a lot . A TSH of 8.8 is VERY high. Meaning your thyroid is very LOW. no wonder you are gaining weight. New guidelines say any TSH over 3 should be treated, and most people feel best when it is about 1.
    That being said, just a TSH doesn't tell the whole story, you need levels of free T3, T4 and reverse T3. TSH only says what your pituitary gland is doing, not what actual levels of hormone are in your blood.
    Your body uses T3 for all metabolic function. It converts the T4 in the levothyroxine to T3. Some people don't convert very well so they take a separate T3 pill or a combo of T3 and T4. Such as Armour or Naturthyroid (sp).
    Reverse T3 is a inactive form of T3 that shows up on tests as if you had lots of hormone to use but your body can't use it. If yours is high, as mine was, you need to take T 3 separately to get you where you need to be.

    I know that is a lot of info, and not all family doctors are up to date on this, but check out a site called Aboutthyroid.com very well done by Mary Shoman , a long time thyroid advocate.

    Good luck !

    Jeanne ( RN , BSN )

    My TSH was 84 ..!!!! That was 13 years ago after my first child was born .! I felt bloody awful and everyone including my GP said I had post natal depression .. It was my husband who is also a GP who noticed I had a goitre .,!!
    When my GP rang me with my results he actually apologised and said he would listen to his patients in future ..!!
    I take 250mcg of levothyroxine ..! Even though well medicated I put weight in easily but it's a bugger to lose ..! I work very hard .!
    Good luck x
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Just reading back and people's TSH bring 8 or 12.... I was so grossly under active at 84..!!!!
    I'm sure that's voz I was diagnosed with depression and not medicated when I should have been ..!
    Hey ho :-)
  • Don't lose hope! I was born with hypothyroidism and my weight constantly fluctuates. I did notice that when I wasn't taking my levothyroxine regularly, it was harder to keep the weight off. I stopped taking my meds for almost a year (bad time in my life) and when I finally went to see a Dr. my levels were at 243!!!!! And it's been so, so hard trying to lose this weight that I put on during that time. But giving up does nothing for you.

    I also noticed that when I was lifting weights, I lost more weight. 30lbs in 6 months on regular meds. I've heard a few hypothyroid people say that weights helped a lot! Just food for thought.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year. At the start, my waist was 41" and weight was 238 lbs. Now, I am 32.25" waistline and 203.8 lbs this morning. I did three things. I take levothyroxine (75mg) every morning. I write everything I eat down and put it on MFP. Lastly, I work out 4-5 times a week. This is what it takes for me. But, weight loss can happen.

    Note: Start from 5-18-12 at the first measurements. Today is 9-20-13 for the last measurements.
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year. At the start, my waist was 41" and weight was 238 lbs. Now, I am 32.25" waistline and 203.8 lbs this morning. I did three things. I take levothyroxine (75mg) every morning. I write everything I eat down and put it on MFP. Lastly, I work out 4-5 times a week. This is what it takes for me. But, weight loss can happen.

    Note: Start from 5-18-12 at the first measurements. Today is 9-20-13 for the last measurements.

    did you follow a particular diet?
    been on levothyroxine for a few months now, started at 50 now on 75, work out 4 days a week but not losing any weight at all.
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    i am on levothyroxine 25 mcg for about a month don't remember what my numbers were and am struggling with weight loss
  • KCW37
    KCW37 Posts: 48 Member
    I was diagnosed a few yrs ago and was on Synthroid. In the last 3 months the doc tried Armour and I have lost 22 pounds. I know the medicine has helped but I also had a trainer for 13 sessions. It can be VERY frustrating! I know the feeling. Making adjustments with the meds and getting active should do the trick. If you dont see results within 3 months I would try the Armour instead. Seems to be working for me! good luck to you!

    im on armour too only 60 mg/ 1 grain how much are you on
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    I was diagnosed with Under-active thyroid in 2004 gained wait and it got up to 14 and 1/2 stone. I managed to lose a stone on my own and 3 stone with fitnesspal. I honestly thought it wouldnt be impossible to lose weight with an Underactive thyroid. BUT I managed to lose around 4 stone in weight. past year ive done maintainance and have decided to detox about and try and lose 7lbs to get to 10 stone. I am currently 10st7lbs (147lbs).

    I am on 75mg of leveothyroxine. Whilst i was pregnant i had to have the dosage put up but after giving birth i had it lowered down to 100mg, but the 100mg was making me feel ill so I told the doctor to put me on 75mg so I didnt feel crap. Too much thyroxine can make you feel ill.
  • I have an under active thyroid too and it can be so frustrating at times! I eat really well and work out but I just gain weight so easily =( I have found a low carb diet is the only way I actually lose!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I also try to have a few Brazil nuts (2-5) every day. It is supposed to help. Weight lose is slow but possible.
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    I've been on various levels of meds to treat hypothyroidism since I was diagnosed more than 5 years ago. I've made a few serious efforts to lose weight since the dg, but I have yet to be successful. I joined MFP last year, and was doing really well at first and felt great -- but couldn't seem to lose more than 10 lbs.

    I'll lose a few, then gain a few, lose, gain, and so forth. It's so discouraging to track everything I eat, and work out as hard as I do and see little to no results for all my effort. Last year, I ended up throwing in the towel. This year, I'm back for more punishment. It's the same story: lose a few, gain 'em right back.

    I feel like I'm trying way too hard to be this fat :*(
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It turns out I've had a hypoactive thyroid for quite awhile. In fact, I successfully lost weight while hypoactive before starting medication. I'm currently on 75 mcg of synthroid.

    I've found that it hasn't affected my weight loss at all. Some gain maybe could be blamed on your hypoactive thyroid, but 50 lbs? Not likely.
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    Yes, and i know it's a nightmare. i am at 7.5 now i was at 15 and the Doc just upped my dose to 75 just this past week. i have been trying to lose weight for so long never understood why i wasnt happening and i would just give up. i was diagnosed a month ago and i am hoppibg with the right dose and clean eating/ exercise i will finally lose this extra weight and get healthy once and for all.
  • Hi! I am also hypyo and take 88mcg Levothryoxine (10 years now). You are going to be feeling sooo much better soon!!! My energy levels is where I noticed the most improvement!!!

    I personally don't think I ever gained weight due to Hypo but I know alot of people do. If your weight was due to Hypo, I think you will definitely notice a difference once your levels get to normal range. You may still have to work hard at losing it but you should see that is DOES come off. Good luck!