disappointed :-(

brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
I've been here since the end of June this year. I've lost 22lbs.
I'm having one of those just give up and why bother days.
It's been a month since I started doing turbo fire and shakeology. I expected some results by now....anything by now. I have nothing. I've only lost 6lbs this month for one reason and that was a shakeology cleanse...other that that no real weight no matter how hard I workout and make healthier food choices. I've GAINED inches in my chest waist and hips. In the past few days my scale has also said I've gained 4lbs, probably cause its TOM (sorry tmi) but seriously...
I'm sitting here wondering why if I'm working seriously hard as I can why am I getting no where? I understand the whole not overnight thing but its been a month of working hard as heck for nothing. I get the whole stick with it but I'm seriously failing at caring today....
Not really looking for pity so if you wanna go all drill instructor on me by all means...


  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Eat more. I don't think you're eating enough. You're body is not able to fuel itself to burn off the fat... Try to hit (not stay under) 1400 everyday and on the days you work out shoot for around 15-1600.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    All I can say to you is look at your goals and remember why you posted them. Good luck.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    If you are doing TurboFire and only eating the small amount shown in your diary, the answer is to eat more!

    Did you use the formula in the TurboFire guide??

    And, you LOST 6 pounds last month?? That's AMAZING!

    Best of luck to you:flowerforyou:
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! On those days, I treat myself to a scoop of ice cream and then hit it again the next day.

    BUT 22 lbs since June WOW... congratulations what a great accomplishment!
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Double post...
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    ok....look at the last line of your signature. Repeat to yourself and remember why you added it in there.

    Weight fluctuates, you might have hit a plateau, you are TOM as you say, you might need to shake up your routine/food/both. You are doing this for the long term benefits...your health will be better the more you exercise and eat right...the long term goal needs to be remembered too!

    Good luck chick!
  • Brittbergh,

    I think its amazing that you have lost 22lbs!!! Good for you! Hang in there - you are doing a great job! You can do it!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    What! I will trade your 22 for my 8....I began 6/28 and this is all that I lost....but really I'm not upset because I gained some other things like learning portion control, making better food choices and I met some supportive friends along the way - They say when you lose fast it comes back just as fast - what you want is a slow and steady loss.... I know I've had crazy days but I've also had days where I went over.....I'm happy for my 8lb lost and I know there is more coming......:wink:
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I've been here since the end of June this year. I've lost 22lbs.
    I'm having one of those just give up and why bother days.
    It's been a month since I started doing turbo fire and shakeology. I expected some results by now....anything by now. I have nothing. I've only lost 6lbs this month for one reason and that was a shakeology cleanse...other that that no real weight no matter how hard I workout and make healthier food choices. I've GAINED inches in my chest waist and hips. In the past few days my scale has also said I've gained 4lbs, probably cause its TOM (sorry tmi) but seriously...
    I'm sitting here wondering why if I'm working seriously hard as I can why am I getting no where? I understand the whole not overnight thing but its been a month of working hard as heck for nothing. I get the whole stick with it but I'm seriously failing at caring today....
    Not really looking for pity so if you wanna go all drill instructor on me by all means...

    22lb is great for the first two months!!! And 6 lbs a month is a very healthy loss. Don't be obsessive about the scale. You didn't gain it overnight and you won't lose it overnight. It took me 4 years to lose 55 lbs, but guess what? I never gained it back.

    Don't get discourage about weight flucuations. Stay on the path of exercising and eating right (properly feeding your body with the appropriate cal intake) and you will see results! Its almost a guarentee!!

  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I had the same thing happen when i hit 22 lbs...i just took a weekend off and ate whatever I wanted (still tried to stay within reason but ya i had cookies so what!) then got back on the wagon again the following Monday. It got me out of that head space and then BOOM lost 3.6 lbs the next week! Just do what you need to do to get your head back in the game...shake it up a little and confuse your body. Good luck! everyone experiances this at different points in their journey...sadly mine came at the 25% mark so i fear three more in my future haha. Keep up the AMAZING work!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    all great advice here.
    i'm not familiar with the turbo fire plan so I apologize if i'm not aware of how all that stuff works. however, i looked at your diary only for a few days and see that you are only eating 3 meals a day. You could have hit a plateau. Eat more.. have quality snacks.. fruit veggies, beans greens..etc.

    Also, you need to give yourself credit - look at what you have lost so far and like one of the other member's posted.. read that last line in your signature to remind you WHY you are doing this.
    You can totally kick *kitten* and lose that weight - you have it in you. good luck.
  • Wow 22 lbs is such an inspiration to me who just started this morning. I have been trying to loose and to no avail. I've had those kind of days more often recently, but please don't give up. Switch your workout routine, drink more water, if doing strength training do higher reps less weight. I am so encouraged by your success. Keep at it girl you will succeed.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    First, congrats on the 22 lbs. That's a great accomplishment!! I agree, if you are working out so fiercely, eat more. You might try adding more fiber, and remember to watch the sodium. It's amazing if you leave out the salt for a week or so, and then eat something really salty, you can show a gain of up to 5 lbs. Hang in there, you are doing great. Mix things up a bit. Lower your exercise and food for a few days, then hit it hard again. Your body can plateau if it gets too comfortable. At least that's what I've experienced. AND, remember how much better you feel without those 22 lbs. and how much better you'll feel down another 10!!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    What! I will trade your 22 for my 8....I began 6/28 and this is all that I lost....but really I'm not upset because I gained some other things like learning portion control, making better food choices and I met some supportive friends along the way - They say when you lose fast it comes back just as fast - what you want is a slow and steady loss.... I know I've had crazy days but I've also had days where I went over.....I'm happy for my 8lb lost and I know there is more coming......:wink:

    that is an awesome way to look at it!
    good luck to you and keep thinking positive.
  • dawnm92
    dawnm92 Posts: 56 Member
    I seriously do not believe that you are eating enough! Looking back at your diary I see this:

    Friday's diary = 1341 net calories.
    Saturday's diary = 597 net calories.
    Sunday's diary = 359 net calories.
    Monday's diary = 301 net calories.
    Tuesday's diary = 1310 net calories.
    Wednesday's diary = 253 net calories.

    You need a bare minimum of 1200 net calories per day every day. If you have a lot of weight to lose, then you might need more. I weigh 230 and could not lose weight at 1400 net calories per day. I increased my net calories to 1675 and finally started losing weight again after being stuck at the same weight for about 2 months.

    You really need to eat...then I think you will start seeing the scale going down again.

    And 22 pounds is awesome! I wish I could say I'd lost 22 pounds since June but I spent June and July completely stuck at the same weight. I look forward to the day when I can say I've lost 22 pounds! So don't lose sight of what you've already accomplished. It's a big deal and you should be proud! :-)
  • dont be disappointed! you're gaining muscle at this point and you need that to help lose fat. I know it can be discouraging to see numbers going up on the scale but soon enough you'll see the changes :). walk for and extra 10-20 mins a day at a brisk pace if you have time. one, its a nice stress reliever and two, it burns a few calories!! make sure you're incorporating strength training also. all cardio and no strength training does not do a body good.
    just kind of a side note... i've also switched to mostly organic foods which has helped me out a great deal with belly swelling and its just healthier for the most part.
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