Does this burn calories?

I sit at a desk most of my 40-hour work week, but on Saturdays I work retail and stand for the better part of 6 hours. Does this burn calories? Should I log it?


  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I don't know if I'd log it, but you're definitely burning something. Do you have an HRM to estimate calories burned?
  • I would not log it, but yes, it burns more calories than a desk job!
  • Part of your daily activity, so I wouldn't lg it. I've been walking around work all day, up and down stairs etc. Won't log it as it is just daily stuff, like shopping, cleaning, waking up etc :o)
  • I wouldn't log it. I agree any type of movement will burn SOMETHING but if you are just going to turn around and eat the calories then don't. I only log workouts and MFP is usually higher then what I burn so I have to adjust the calories down. Just be aware of what you are intaking. :) good luck!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Depends on what you have your activity level set at. If you are putting down Sedentary because you're at a desk most of the time, you could consider logging it. Basically if I logged something like that I would only log about half of the hours unless you are seriously moving for the whole shift.
  • depends how unfit you are .... as a rule of thumb , i tend to only log things that me me sweat or out of breath ... or both ! else i kind of feel like i am cheating myself
  • 6 hours?? wow that's a long time. I've logged it in for standing only 2 hours.. So yeah I'd say Log it!!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    hey- are you able to do simple stuff while sitting at your job or standing. one creative thing I saw once was someone took an exercise ball to work instead of using the chair and this alone will burn calories because you are using muscles to stabalize your body sitting on it. also try little things like leg lifts in the chair or stretching. While standing: try a few squats while idle or toe touches, (lol) even squeezing your butt muscles is something.... This will also keep yourself from getting sore feet- I used to work standing on my feet for over 8 hrs at a time and hated when I took a few days off and came back- I was so sore by the end of the day. Get creative. Do you get breaks where you can go for a small walk?
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    **blinks three times** Umm, NO. This is called being alive, normal daily activity not earned calories. Perhaps you're kidding and this is a 'funny' thread, in that case.. lol, and I'll join in the fun and add.... Everyday there is a straight path to the bathroom, approximately 35 feet from my desk, but today someone placed a giant garbage can in the way and I had to walk around it making it 39 feet from my desk, should I log the additional 4 feet?
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Depends on what you have your activity level set at. If you are putting down Sedentary because you're at a desk most of the time, you could consider logging it. Basically if I logged something like that I would only log about half of the hours unless you are seriously moving for the whole shift.

    That is what I would do. Give yourself a few cals like "general house cleaning" for 1-2 hours. Call it good.