On my way!

Well I am well on my way to gaining weight; however, I am not meeting all of my daily food eating goals. Progress is slow in my world and goals to not come week my week. I need to get off my lazy butt and workout but I procrastinate.


  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    You need to just do it! Make it part of your lifestyle - not something you should do. It is so worth it. Come on - you got this!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Did you mean losing weight?
  • Did you mean losing weight?

    If you look at his profile, he's wanting to gain and buff up. He's had muscle loss due to being in a wheel chair. Bless his heart.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    It is ALL about the exercise.

    Find something YOU like to do. If you choose an exercise you don't like, you will ultimately fail.

    I like walking and riding my bike. Find a beautiful place to explore or maybe go to the mall and go from one end to the other for an hour.

    I also like to garden and that is a good workout in my yard. Even from a wheel chair you can do some things in a garden.

    Have you considered swimming? With proper flotation you might find that fun. Contact the local community pool.

    if YOU like it, you are more likely to DO it.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks for the pick me up:)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    protein my man.........pack it in..........muscles love it