Down day :-(

Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
Just having the downest day - feel like I'm not getting to where I want to be soon enough and I've made more work for myself.

I've lost 41lbs since Jan 11, using willpower and after a 5 month plateau now Dukan which is great. I'm about halfway on my journey to being healthy.

But I'm just feeling so blue because I came back from my brothers weekend wedding celebrations on Tuesday (for which I decided all bets were off) and have put on 5 lbs!! in 4 days. That's just nuts - I didn't eat THAT much!

Then last night I was feeling so sad about it I had 3 giant glasses of Irish Cream Liqueur which is about a million calories and a headache this morning. And it didn't make me feel better like I hoped it would - only worse in fact.

So I'm straight back on Dukan this morning (I know it works) but can't shift this down feeling that even thought Dukan is working for me - I think I will always battle with food all my life. I can never just "let go" and "eat normally".

I guess I'm sad that I will always have to see food as fuel and just consider "nice" things as poison to my body. It's a big adjustment for an emotional eater of 38years. I will just have to plan all my meals forever. sigh


  • It sounds like you're being really tough on yourself... which you shouldn't. You've lost 41 pounds, that's incredible! When you're feeling low, you should look after yourself even more, rather than nitpick. If it were someone else you'd try and pick them back up, so why not treat yourself as kindly?

    Chin up, I'm envious of your willpower!

    P.S. I'm not sure anyone in their right mind could resist an Irish Cream Liqueur!:)
  • Liquor causes water weight so I wonder How much of it is just that. And everyone has there down days Keep your chin up!
  • onlyonewilson
    onlyonewilson Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on loosing 41 lbs!!!! Everyone has a down day... I'm sure you've heard that before. And those Plateaus really suck.... I know, that's where I usually give up and eat whatever I want. Then like you the lbs really pack on faster than I got them off... discouragement sets in and I loose control.

    SO.... Congrats on getting back on the horse and getting back on your plan.

    Can you workout? Does that make you feel any better? Or maybe something else that will lift your spirits?

    It is hard... but just by reading this one post from you, I can see you are dedicated.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    You can do this. Ive been on this wagon for approximately 14 years now. It took me the first 4 to lose 100 lbs. but by then I had learned to take the good days with the bad. With perseverence comes success! I no longer find it a burden at all. You know how we hate going to work, school, cleaning house, grocery shopping, etc.? Over time, they are still chores but we have accepted that they are a part of life and we feel good when we have accomplished these tasks. Our health is the same way, but the reward is that we not only are healthy, we look great too! I promise it gets easier and less of a chore. I wouldnt trade this lifestyle for all the fudge brownie ala modes(or Irish cream liquers) in the world! Cheer up! You're not in this alone....You've got us!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Awesome job on the 41 you have lost to date! It does take a lot of will power and dedication. You are doing great! :glasses:

    I am totally feeling the same way today. I have been at this battle for 1 1/2. I am not where I want to be, but I am also tired of the battle and many days I want to just give up. If I let myself eat what I want to without thinking of the calories I am putting into my mouth and portion sizes, I can totally see myself gaining quite a bit back. I guess I was kinda hoping when I started this journey that when I got down to the weight I want to be, I don't have to be so careful...I guess I was wrong. I will be planning meals and counting calories forever :cry:

    I was so ready to go to the local pub and have a big cheeseburger with fries last night...good thing my daughter was looking out for me :smile: We ending up with Subway.

    But, we can allow our selves the occasion "let loose" weekend. I have actually gotten to the point where I ask myself "is it worth it?" Is eating the big greasy cheeseburger worth all of the effort I have put in so far. Many times, I tell myself "no". On the occasion that it is, like a wedding or other form of celebration, I allow myself to enjoy.

    We also need to remember that the weight did not appear overnight and we can't expect it to disappear that quickly either.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you for having the courage to post exactly what you are feeling. Tears blurred my view as I read your post. I too am an emotional eater...I understand where you are. Posting with MFP family is such a smart move on your part! Instead of craming your feelings down, holding them in and eating them, you reached out to a community who understand and supports you. Know that you are accepted just as you are. You have done such fabulous work! 41 pounds is a heck of a lot of weight to lose (more than half of my goal and I've only lost 7...well technically 5 since I joined). So you are making marvelous progress. Think back to the time when you lost your first 5 pounds, then 10, then 15, then 20...and now your 40 pounds + healthier. YOU ARE A WINNER! I'm so proud of you. You are an example of succes I can refer to and remember that I can be just like you!!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I can't thank you all enough for your kind words of support.
    You have really helped me to feel less lost.
    I know in my heart I shouldn't feel down when I have accomplished 41lbs.
    It is pretty amazing that I have actually managed it without re-awakening my ED.
    I have been blessed with inspiring others and then coaching them to success too.
    I guess I forgot that I need a bit of coaching too.
    I know where to turn if it's all getting on top of me.

    To my MFP family. xxx thank you again xxx
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