Binge Eating Disorder problem

I have binge eating disorder (BED) and it makes thing very difficult when it comes to losing weight. I'm in the process of trying to recover on my own. So my question is, does anyone have some tips on how to recover? cause it's not really working right now :/


  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    Ideal: Professional help
    A good start: Overeaters Anonymous (it covers all kinds of eating disorders, it's free, and very, very supportive)
  • jnettiedotson
    I have that too, diagnosed a couple years ago. I need help too. When I try to help myself I just end up starving myself, but being on here and logging everything has helped.
  • jmontes143
    I have found that limiting certain foods and "dieting" doesn't work. I'm a binge eater myself and have been struggling with it for years. What I try to do is simply eat when I'm hungry, even if that means I have to go over my calorie requirement for the day. When I deprive myself of what my body wants or is craving then I what ends up happening is I end up binging on it later.

    Throughout each day, I drink tons of water and eat tons of whole foods such as fruits and veggies. One of my favorite filling snacks mid-day is a pink lady apple with almond butter. I can't have peanut butter because for some reason the sweetness it it makes it a trigger food for me.

    I've also noticed that when I workout in the morning I get a lot more hungry throughout the day, so i try to workout in the evenings before dinner and have a cup of tea right after dinner to curb my appetite so I don't snack afterwards. That has been helping a lot! Feel free to add me, I would be happy to talk to you about this some more!
  • sandislim
    I have BED too - I haven't binged for a long time now. The only two things which have changed with my diet is I eat low carb (primal diet) and I fast at least twice a week for 16 or more hours. The fasts have stopped me being physically able to eat too much and the low carb has taken away the reward for eating (sugar high). So if I do go for a comfort meal it doesn't usually change my moods in any way and I have to think of something else to do besides eat.
    When I cheat or have treat days where I eat more carbs my BED starts to come back and I really have to try not to give in, but a fast and back to low carb usually nips it in the bud.

    Also, exercising has helped. I do HIIT (high intensity interval training) and because each session is very taxing it usually reduces any desire I have to eat for a few hours. So I have used it to my benefit by exercising when I feel a weakness and then afterwards I'm much better at making healthy choices. But it is an ongoing struggle. each day I don't binge is a new habit and hopefully I will get rid of that old one eventually.