What I'm Doing Wrong (And Right)



  • k67808f
    For all of you that suggest staying under your calories, remember that this website sets up your calorie goal based on how active you are and whether you want to maintain, lose, or gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can actually slow your metabolism down and stall weight loss. Going a little over or staying a little under is okay. The key is to try and stay as close to your calorie goal as possible.

    Things I've Improved On:
    - Logging everything
    - Staying within my calorie range
    - My determination to beat the bulge

    Things I Need To Improve On:
    - Exercising
    - Being patient about losing weight

    I love reading the posts on here. Reminds me I'm not alone. :ohwell:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    For me it's family parties. I've got a big one, so we are somewhere every weekend.
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    yeah, i'm with everyone else on this topic.... focus on the good, and make small strides towards eliminating the bad

    for me:
    avidly work out
    eat mainly under my calorie goal
    get enough nutrients
    don't drink soda
    coffe with just milk
    i have also stopped baking!!

    eat m&m's too often!!!- my family alwayssss has a bowl of m&m's... even if i don't want them, i just take handfulls... this needs to stop! I wouldn't mind eating them if i actually wanted them!!! ahh lol its horrible... but everything else is good =)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I weigh myself every morning.
    There are some days where I don't drink enough water.
    I don't eat enough fruits and veggies.
    I just ate a serving and a half of hamburger helper. It didn't put me over on anything, but I wasn't THAT hungry...

    I've cut down to weighing once a week.
    I never drink anything BUT water.
    I recently bought a whole bunch of fruits and veggies. I bought carrots and peas, bananas, apples, and oranges :)
    I exercise at least a little every day, even if I don't log it.
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    oooh I like this, it makes me think about how I can do better...


    Exercising three times a week religiously
    Logging all my food
    Eating better during the week
    Making some more sensible food choices

    Eating badly at the weekends which is sabotaging my weight loss
    Not exercising in between my three kickboxing sessions per week
    Still eating some junk, and probably too many carbs
    Weiging myself several times a week
    Not drinking enough water
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I can relate to a lot of you guys!

    My rights:
    Cut out the coke (mostly I have 1/2 or 1/3 once a week)
    drinking more water
    workout almost every day
    ride my bike everywhere (pulling my two kids along)

    My dark side:
    I don't track weekends :(
    I think I am addicted to MFP and working out
    I don't get enough sleep
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    You are doing fabulous! I enjoyed reading everyone's lists, but I'm at work so I guess I shouldn't be taking the time to create my list right now (doing something right). :smile:

    Oh, I'm also really, really glad that I am not "addicted" to sodas. I'm a water drinker by nature.... occasionally unsweetened tea with lunch or once in a while a diet soda. Thanks go out to my Mom... soda was considered a "treat" in our house, water was served with dinner, and she never drank sweetened tea!