Exercises you just can't do!



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Most things that involve stretching, particularly hip openers. My hip joints are build funny and it as impossible for me to really open them the way other people do.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Anything that requires grace and coordination.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I've only worked out for a month, and every time I try to use the elliptical, it immediately makes my legs hurts. I'll conquer that elliptical one day!

    I remember my first elliptical workout, I lasted exactly 8 minutes! now I do 45 and could go on, but I gotta get home for dinner! I'm doing cardio right now, being at my heaviest, I felt my heart needed some attention before I start doing weights. once I hit 289 tho, I'm all about it! (and C25K!)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    The main reason I don't do burpees is the name. Seriously. Why?! Where did it come from? It sounds so gross.

    I agree .. who came up with that name anyway?
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    One thing that really helped me build up my arm strength was lowering from plank to the floor. Kind of like a reverse pushup? But with the elbows bent...into the crocodile position. Lower as slowly as you can, many many vinyasas! LOL It really makes a difference in your upper arm and shoulder strength. And eventually those planks will be a breeze ~ ~

    YEEEESS! This is a negative push up and is very effective at strengthening the arms ... doing "negative" pull ups does this too :)
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Sit ups....I am not a big big person, but I just cant do it! my legs lift off the floor!
    Can't do push ups either for love nor money, yet have good arms on me! (Can do pulls etc)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I've only worked out for a month, and every time I try to use the elliptical, it immediately makes my legs hurts. I'll conquer that elliptical one day!

    Have you tried doing the elliptical forward for say 2-3 minutes and then doing it reverse for 2-3 minutes. Going back and forth? It uses different muscles and might help keep any one set of muscles from becoming overly sore?? Just an idea :) I did this when I had to stop running for a while due to piriformis syndrome (had to keep from aggrivating a particular muscle in my thigh) and it seemed to help.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I can't do a superman plank on my toes (or not without my bum going sky high anyway). It annoys me because the low option is to do it on your knees which doesn't seem to do anything (unless I'm doing it wrong).

    I also can't do pull ups. Can't even begin one.

    Oh, and ... the walking komodo alligator pushup!! Came across it once or twice in a combat class and the need for combined strength and coordination (it's a kind of walking, crunching pressup?!) just was not going to happen!
  • paintitblack
    I can't do push ups! I can't even manage one! I get half way down and collapse. I have to do the easier option (I resent calling it the girly option >.> ) with your knees down and even then I struggle with more than ten.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Anything that hurts my knee-- running, squats, yoga child's pose (yep!).

    But a cool plank story: A year ago, I could only hold one for about 2 seconds; now I can hold one for 90 seconds!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Anything that hurts my knee-- running, squats, yoga child's pose (yep!).

    But a cool plank story: A year ago, I could only hold one for about 2 seconds; now I can hold one for 90 seconds!
  • Quiltmania
    There are tons of Yoga poses I cant come close to doing. (Lots of things I remember doing as a kid) Definately will be able to some day!

    I can't manage it when the yoga teacher says to lay on your back and flip your legs back over your head. All that's going on in my head is, "Honey, if I could do that, I wouldn't be fat. Plus my husband would have a permanent smile on his face."
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm pretty good on the strength stuff, but it's all kind of embarrassing because I have essential tremors so whenever I bear weight with them, my hands and arms shake. So I might be doing something and not finding it difficult at all but it looks like I"m going to drop over dead! lol.

    Can't swim to save my life either. I know all the strokes and all, I just poop out so fast.
  • undermajorconstruction
    I can't do pull ups yet. Oh yeah and burpees! I feel like I'm kneeing my gut!
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Once you lose some of the weight, many exercises become much easier - especially the body weight related ones (duh).

    I couldn't do planks for long, nor pull-ups before getting my BMI under 30. I'm still rough on the pull ups (4 max, on a good day) but I can do 120 sec planks, and side planks too... though it hurts my back doing them that long.

    So, keep on doing lots of cardio and watch your cals until you lose enough weight, and then you'll see more results in the body-weight exercises.