will weight loss help with high triglycerides?

I've been exercising on my own for about six weeks prior to joining MFP about two weeks ago. Weight loss progress was really slow prior to MFP which helped me track my food intake and cut back on calories in addition to cardio workouts about 3 times a week plus weight resistance training twice a week. So far, I've lost about 4 pounds in two weeks.

When I got my bloodwork done for my annual health checkup, I weighted 140 and my cholesterol was within normal range (under 200) but my HDL was a little low --- 42. My triglycerides were 300, way over the normal range. I'm taking birth control and my doctor advised me to take fish pills. I don't eat a lot of wheat products, sugary foods or sodas which are the main culprits of high triglycerides. In fact, I hardly touch processed foods at all.

Does anyone have any experience in seeing their triglycerides drop dramatically with weight loss? I'm due for a physical in January, so I'm hoping to be down to about 115 by then. That's a 25 pound weight difference.

Also, has anyone tried fish pills and seen a reduction in triglycerides? I'm hoping the weight loss alone will help but I'm willing to take fish pills for the rest of my life if it means preventing a heart attack.

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  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Yes, it will. Pretty much exactly your situation happened to me a year and a half ago, although, mine was more extreme. But I was able to reverse my poor health simply by getting in shape. I'm sure you'll have the same results. =)
  • Cokamo
    Weight loss can help. Also, another factor to consider is whether you were fasting when the blood sample was taken or not. If it was not a fasting test, the results will be unreliable.

    In the past, I have lost a considerable amount of weight and actually seen my triglycerides and cholesterol go up, but I was eating a lot of frozen meals for lunch, etc. My doc said it could have been related to the trans fats in those items. Once I began avoiding them, my cholesterol dropped to a normal range. You said you avoid processed/packaged foods, so that shouldn't be a problem for you.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Apparently we're not talking about dinosaurs...
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    in early Feb when I weighed 245ish, my triglyceride reading was 255ish. in mid August when I weight 208ish, my triglyceride reading was 165ish. still need to get it below 150, but its heading in the right direction.

    eating healthy, exercise and losing weight = better readings.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Triglyceride levels can also be genetic. My brother-in-law is in pretty good shape (he ran a marathon about 18 months ago but stopped running due to bad knees) but at one point his were in the 900 range! His father also has really high levels. Fish oils, specifically the Omega-3 in fish oil, can help. You can also find Omega-3s in foods such as flax meal and, of course, fish.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    mine went from 110 down to 81.........anything under 150 ,according to my primatry physician makes him happy
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    I guess you will not hear anybody answer "no." But if you need any more convincing I have gone from a reading of about 180 to a current # of 47. In about 7 months. Eat right and get some exercise.

    We all care about weight but that is just a means to an end. Getting the bloodwork and health in order is really what it's about. Keep at it and you'll see big results!
  • kfitz10103
    My triglycerides were almost 200 9 months ago. After losing 57 lbs on a low cal diet
    down to 44! It really works.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I went back and looked at my blood work from 6 20 2011 and noticed a huge drop in my triglicerides.............actually, my post was wrong, Im now down to 59 from 110.............

    all my numbers are excellent, unlike one year ago.......keep exercising, eating right, it will happen.......you are just making sure you have a healthy life ahead of you when you do...........best of luck, Lloyd