I think I'm developing bulimia.

I'm embarrassed to be posting this....

I never used to have a problem with food, but lately I've been binge eating. To deal with the guilt, I've recently started purging. I promised myself I would stop after the third time in a week, and I did for a few days, and then today I did it again. Ugh.

I want to develop healthy eating habits. Does anyone have advice?


  • You might want to look into talking to a professional about it and nipping it in the bud before it becomes a major issue for you.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Thanks for responding! I have an appointment in a week. :)
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Thanks for responding! I have an appointment in a week. :)

    edit; Sorry for the double post, my internet is being wonky today.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Eating disorders are serious stuff... so beyond the skill of the MFP community. Please see a Health Coach or counselor to address the root cause of the behavior. Don't ignore it. Do something about now. And don't feel ashamed, we all have a 'problem' with food to a degree.... or we wouldn't be here. I wish you the very best and stay strong.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Kudos to you for recognizing it and doing something about it before it becomes an issue.
  • My main problem is when im bored i eat! Ween yourself off it by eating lots of really healthy low calorie food till your full then you wont feel guilty and find other things to keep you busy. Sometimes now when i wanna eat somethign bad, I just pick up and leave and go for a random walk to get my self out there and keep busy. Also purging will DESTROY your teeth!
  • Also slam a ton of water when your hungrey you wont wanan binge after that!!!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm glad to hear you have an appointment coming up! Definitely get help and best of luck to you.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    That;s great that you realize you have a problem and you need to get help. There is nothing to be ashamed of we all have our weaknesses nobody is perfect. Your brave for tackling the problem and being honest with yourself. Seek professional help and be strong, you'll make it!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Seek counseling. Please. Bulimia is serious business and you need help to overcome it. Bulimia is never *just* about the food, so it's hard to change the behavior until you solve the underlying issues.

    Edit: I see that you have an appointment. I'm so glad. :) Good for you!
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Thanks everyone for responding! This community is amazing. <3

    @Rhiannagreene: Thanks for the advice! And I am so with you on the eating-when-bored thing.
    Is there any specific low-calorie food you'd recommend? :)
  • tamdee43
    tamdee43 Posts: 10 Member
    you can also rupture your esophagus and it can kill you.
  • I'm so glad that you are seeking help and recognizing that there is a problem before it is too late!! I think you've made the right decision by making an appointment to talk to someone. Maybe it would help to make an appointment with a Dietician who could help you figure out a healthy eating plan? Regardless, take care of yourself and stay strong!
  • perishable
    perishable Posts: 26 Member
    i agree with the other posters but i have a suggestion

    if you find yourself binging, can you binge on fiber-heavy foods, such as fruits and veggies, mix some Metamucil in your water, and take a swig of coffee, so you just end up pooping it all out? in the midst of that chaos, you can have something you're craving (chocolate, cheese, whatever, but pick one, or just a little of two!) and it won't be as bad. this is what i do and i'm still losing weight at a steady pace that is the same when i have a week where i don't binge eat at all.

    and if i feel like im going to eat, i just try to go to sleep or take a bath or do something where i can't eat (and i hope to get over the urge).
  • Munched
    Munched Posts: 14 Member
    Puking up is a most inefficient way to loose weight but an excellent one to loose your teeth! Stomach acid rots your enamel. Go and see a professional and chat about it. Eat all the calories you have been recommended by this site to eat. You'll be fine if you look after yourself and tell that guilt gremlin to take a running jump! Good luck!
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Thanks everyone! <3
    you can also rupture your esophagus and it can kill you.
    ...Huh. I need to research the condition more.
    I'm so glad that you are seeking help and recognizing that there is a problem before it is too late!! I think you've made the right decision by making an appointment to talk to someone. Maybe it would help to make an appointment with a Dietician who could help you figure out a healthy eating plan? Regardless, take care of yourself and stay strong!
    Ooh, a dietician, that's a great idea! Thanks for responding! :)
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    i agree with the other posters but i have a suggestion

    if you find yourself binging, can you binge on fiber-heavy foods, such as fruits and veggies, mix some Metamucil in your water, and take a swig of coffee, so you just end up pooping it all out? in the midst of that chaos, you can have something you're craving (chocolate, cheese, whatever, but pick one, or just a little of two!) and it won't be as bad. this is what i do and i'm still losing weight at a steady pace that is the same when i have a week where i don't binge eat at all.

    and if i feel like im going to eat, i just try to go to sleep or take a bath or do something where i can't eat (and i hope to get over the urge).
    I don't want to rely on laxatives, though... I'd rather stop binging (and stop feeling guilty for my slip-ups) and deal with the root of the problem. I do need to learn to distract myself, though. Thanks for responding!
    Puking up is a most inefficient way to loose weight but an excellent one to loose your teeth! Stomach acid rots your enamel. Go and see a professional and chat about it. Eat all the calories you have been recommended by this site to eat. You'll be fine if you look after yourself and tell that guilt gremlin to take a running jump! Good luck!
    "Guilt gremlin," that's cute! Thanks, you made me feel a lot better. And I do like my teeth!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    (((((hugs))))) MFP is a great place for advice, but I'm happy you are seeing a professional quickly. This is beyond MFP's scope. The binge/purse cycle is a hateful thing, but it's a psychological issue, not a weight issue. You are AWESOME for seeking advice with what to do and following through with that advice. It will be much easier to deal with the problem now before it is seriously ingrained in you. Good luck to you. And I'm sending a friend req to you - I'd love to know how you make out with your appointment.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    (((((hugs))))) MFP is a great place for advice, but I'm happy you are seeing a professional quickly. This is beyond MFP's scope. The binge/purse cycle is a hateful thing, but it's a psychological issue, not a weight issue. You are AWESOME for seeking advice with what to do and following through with that advice. It will be much easier to deal with the problem now before it is seriously ingrained in you. Good luck to you. And I'm sending a friend req to you - I'd love to know how you make out with your appointment.
    You're so sweet! *hugs* Thank you so much! <3
  • perishable
    perishable Posts: 26 Member
    you don't have to take metamucil, it only helps if you are low in fiber. however, eating apples with the skin, oranges, spinach, etc is super heavy in fiber. i eat a lot of protein and i am always constipated so metamucil is my best friend.