The Cowboy Rides Away

Hello my lovely loves. I am not usually one to care if people mock me, make fun of me, or are ugly to me. I was a soldier and I fought, and nearly died, for those people to have that right. But let me say this, it is so much easier to be ugly to people than kind in this world. So much easier to feel superior because you make fun of or make sarcastic remarks about people. If that makes you superior then I am happy to be a dumb cowboy. I love everybody. When i call you gorgeous, and say I love you I mean it. How can I see beauty and love in everyone? Let me tell you a piece of my story and no I am not asking for sympathy. I suffered horrible abuse at the hands of my parents, grew up poor beyond words, was a drunk, buried a daughter, nearly died in combat, held my best friend as he did bleed to death in that hell, and watched the woman of my dreams choose wealth and power over med our kids. I had the choice of being bitter or loving. I chose love. I've reached every goal on MFP. I stay to help people. I get nothing back from it but friendship. I work 10 hours a day, I coach sports, I am a den leader, and a full time single dad. My kids are my heart and world. I don't date because I want to focus on them. My little bit of free time is spent working out and helping people on MFP. Again i get nothing back but friendship and want nothing back. I almost decided to leave today, but I remembered one thing. I am a fighter, and I have never been defeated. I am going to keep posting here because I truly love you gorgeous and amazing people. Even those that hate me for that love. This cowboy is riding away... Right into love. :-) And I will keep on posting because the world needs more light than dark, more love than hate and kindness.

Blessing my gorgeous loves,


  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    How heartfelt!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Good for you, Ed.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    You tell 'em darlin!!!

    Love ya!!

    Being gorgeous on the inside is the most important thing.....and you've got that covered!!!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    My dear sweet friend. . . I am so glad to hear that you are not letting the ugliness of the world push you out of fulfilling our lifes purpose which is to love others. . You are an honorable person and yes a loving father. . There are many of us that really appreciate that you are you. . So those rare few that act ugly. . don't you give it a second thought. . . .

    Thank you for being a both a gentleman and a friend. . :smile:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Love you darlins. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Ed that was beautiful…please keep on being yourself! Peace and kisses!!!
  • mike_hill
    mike_hill Posts: 61 Member
    You rock SoldierDad! Keep on keepin' on.
  • nurse_carolyn
    well said
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    How refreshing it is to see someone who has such a positive and loving outlook! I wish more people could just look through your eyes for just a moment. My hats off to you and your wonderful optimistic view. :smile:
  • mommyRN33
    mommyRN33 Posts: 1 Member
    Very nice to read this
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Good for you, its way better to be a lover than a hater. Dont let the people who feel a need to hate bring you down because they arent worth it. Thank you for being so amazing, kind, sweet and supportive. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • sweetsapphire85
    A truly wonderful post Ed, you are such a breath of fresh air in a negative world. I always look forward to your uplifting post and know know there needs to be more kindness in the world. Hold your head high and know that you are one in a million that has changed many peoples lives. :smile:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Ed you are such a wonderful person and it astounds me to think that anyone would be negative to you. They sound like people who need to find their own path in life and haven't as yet, it's a shame that they do not realise their actions do not help others. You are at a place where you do help others, you have traveled the path and know your direction. You only ever say positive and encouraging words, you are not a person who belittles to make yourself feel better. Never let these people bring you down or doubt yourself. They are still learning and I don't think they realise what they do. A lot would come from from their own feelings, insecurities and lack of empathy and knowledge. Hold your head high my Cowboy Friend you are awesome and a fighter till the end. Fight those negative thoughts and people off and just be the amazing person that you are!!! :flowerforyou:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm very glad you've decided to stay. Lately the forums have been filled with a lot of ugliness and you are always so positive! I would hate to lose that. There are many people on here who have been warmed and cheered on by your encouragements. And who knows, you might be the only support some people have! I know I've read many posts where people have complained that in real life they have no one encouraging them. Thank you for being that.
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    You are one of a kind Ed, Do not let anyone dim your light. We need more people like you...and most of us need to be more like you.

    God Bless
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Thanks for your support my lovely loves. :flowerforyou:
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    I'm very glad you've decided to stay. Lately the forums have been filled with a lot of ugliness and you are always so positive! I would hate to lose that. There are many people on here who have been warmed and cheered on by your encouragements. And who knows, you might be the only support some people have! I know I've read many posts where people have complained that in real life they have no one encouraging them. Thank you for being that.

    I agree with every word here. Good for you for rising above it Ed!! Bless you!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Well-stated Ed. Although I only just friended you, you seem like an awesome person. After reading this, I am amazed that you have come so far. Thank you for taking the time to tell people how beautiful they really are, because everyone is and they aren't told enough like they should be.
    It is so heartbreaking to know that so many people who have gone through similar things to you (maybe not even half of what you've been through) all throw in the towel and decide to be bitter and angry at the world instead of choosing happiness or love. Passing the plate to the next person in need of some help or encouragement like you have is something that so many people seem to lack in their lives.
    Life is a ***** and we all have our issues, but while you're here, you may as well stop trying to go against everyone and try to at least let someone else be happy doing what makes them happy instead of tearing them down.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm SO glad you didn't leave. There's never going to be a need for that! You help us all SO much! <3
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    You tell em'!!!! They are so not worth your time and energy! Thank you for being you! Tons of love coming your way cowboy! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: