NEWBIE looking for friends!

Hey there everyone,

I am new to this and I am looking for friends on here!


  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585

    As a starting kit, if you don't want to buy workout dvd's check out these sites: / /

    Good luck and welcome!
  • Hey! I'm new too. How much are you hoping to lose?
  • I really want to lose 20 lbs, how about you?

    Thanks for the websites, i have zumba for my PS3. its a really good work out. i hate running but eventually i would like to finish a 5k.
    what do you guys do for exercise?
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I am new too, just started this week. Wishing you many successes! I was hibernating for the last two months due to the heat and my lack of motivation. I'm getting back slowly by walking and will begin to incorporate spurts of jogging which will increase in duration as I start back. I strength train lower body, core, and upper body one day per week. I do it all at home and a little extra walking at work. I also want to create a circuit training routine once per week but I haven't gotten there yet. I didn't want to start back to quickly and get hurt or frustrated.
  • Welcome to MFP!! I'm also new to the message board. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by December. My mini goal is to lose 10lbs by my hubby's b-day. I lost 3 pounds last week and I am hopeful that I will lose the additional 7 lbs in the next 3 weeks. I really need to incorporate more exercise. So glad I found this site =).
  • you can do it! especially since you have goals in place! i didnt hink about setting short term goals, thats a great idea!