ganglion knee cyst issues

Hey everyone, I'm 32 yrs old and about 2 yrs ago I had a ganglion cyst removed from the side of my right knee. It was causing a lot of discomfort and general weakness in my knee. The doc said it shouldn't hurt, but it did so he said he would remove it. Well I guess I'm one of the lucky people who's cysts grow back because here it is almost 2 years exactly and it's back. I'm so frustrated because in a month's time I have went from normal to limping again. And just like last time my left knee is starting to hurt because it's overcompensating for the weakness in my right. I am going to set up an appt with a different doctor next week, but I was wondering what problems any others have had with the same types of cysts. The doc said that the root of the cyst went pretty deep into my knee joint which is probably why it causes me so much discomfort. I want to have it removed again, but don't want it to just keep growing back every few years. Anyone else had this happen? The only thing that helps is wearing a knee brace, but that gets old really fast. Plus it only helps while I wear it, as soon as it comes off the pain is back. I am a dog groomer so I'm on my feet all day. I'm not walking though, just standing so that helps. When I do have to walk much it really bothers me. The crazy thing is, my Mom has a cyst on her knee in the exact same spot and has no pain from it at all. Sometimes her's will burst then come back, but no problems walking or with weakness.


  • jridgway49
    I've had (3 ) ankle, wrist and shoulder all removed and thank God never came back, best of luck to you !