I'm about to lose my mind

Ok so this isn't chit chat, fun or games....not for me anyway! I live in an apartment building, and I'm about to lose my mind. I moved into a new unit within the same building, and my next door neighbor's dog NEVER.STOPS.BARKING. I'm a total dog lover, I want one eventually (i.e. when it won't be trapped in an apartment all day!) But literally, when I wake up for work, it's barking. When I come home, it's barking. Before I go to bed- yup. I've only seen it once, and he's a french bulldog....which are very companion oriented dogs. My neighbors must NEVER be home except to take this poor thing out.

So my question is....what do I do? I mean, you can hear this dog barking as you come down the hallway. Friends of mine have made comments about it. And my boyfriend and I are about to lose our minds. I haven't seen the neighbor (and never do!) so I can't just wait until I see her again. Can I say something to my leasing office? I mean, these people might not even know their poor dog is home barking every time they leave! But what can the leasing office do? We're allowed to have dogs. But I pay a lot of money in rent to live where I do, and this has literally been a full week now where I have heard the dog whenever I'm home.



  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    you answered your own questions...go see the leasing office. You'll be doing the damn dog a favor.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    My neighbour had her two small dogs locked in a van in her yard for two days this weekend (don't know if they were in there over night) and they would NOT stop barking.

    So I called the city and a by-law officer came to check it out and talk to her.

    She claimed she had painters in the house and she didn't want her dogs to bark at them so she put them in the van with food and water... To drive all her neighbours insane. Nice.

    I also never saw any painters.

    (Don't worry, it's not hot here. The dogs are okay he said)

    Call your by-law office.
  • InaWarZone
    Go to the leasing agent. If they can't get it to stop you will have to call your city Animal Control... there are ordinances about this
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    You guys may be allowed to have dogs but you probably have a clause in the lease about quiet hours, I would talk to them you might be suprised as to what they can do.
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    Even though you are allowed to have pets i am sure the fact that the dog is disturbing the peace is a different subject. I had the same problem once in an apartment complex, I had a newborn so the dog constantly barking was a nuisance, but people are touchy about their pets and animals so to keep it professional I talked with the leasing office and let them know that i do not have a personal issue with the neighbors but the dog is a little over the top, they told me that I was not the only one to complain so they put a notice on the neighbors door and when they eventually came home and talked with the leasing office it was more of a class action thing than a once neighbor complaint. It worked out, the leasing office made sure everyone that complained was not "fingered" .. so i would talk with the leasing office first it worked for me .. i love pets but i love sleep and relaxation as well :-)
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    Our neighbors once complained at an apartment we lived in because our dog was barking when we left...she only did for about a week because she was weirded out from the move and even then it was for like the initial 10 minutes after we left. We got a call that if it continued they would evict our dog! So try your neighbors and if you can't get ahold of them contact then leasing office.
  • shonasteele
    I'd say to start off nicely, maybe a note under their door saying that you're concerned about their dog, is something wrong that he barks all the time, are they aware of it, etc. Then contact the office and/or ask some of the other tenants if they are bothered by it. Even if you're allowed animals, I would think they would have to be quiet and not disturb the neighbours, after all you're not allowed to have loud parties, so why loud pets right? If things don't get any better, find some info about those shock collars that zap dogs when they bark and suggest they look into it before they get booted out by some other not-so-nice neighbours.

    Good luck, I feel for you!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    If you think the owner is neglecting the dog, you can report it to the city animal shelter. Some cities fine pet owners for animal abandonment, abuse and neglect.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Go to the leasing agent. If they can't get it to stop you will have to call your city Animal Control... there are ordinances about this

    perfect advice! go tomorrow :)

    p.s. I've had to do this myself and it wasn't pretty BUT in the end it all worked out
  • Suzannejl
    Go to the leasing agent. If they can't get it to stop you will have to call your city Animal Control... there are ordinances about this

    Double Ditto
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    wait until you know the neighbors are home...then have sex with your BF and be really really loud...for hours.
    seriously tho it sucks. i would suggest going straight to the leasing office/landlord. people that let their dogs bark for that long with no regard to the neighbors probably wouldn't take well to the "nice" approach.
  • PatientBearTiger
    wait until you know the neighbors are home...then have sex with your BF and be really really loud...for hours.
    seriously tho it sucks. i would suggest going straight to the leasing office/landlord. people that let their dogs bark for that long with no regard to the neighbors probably wouldn't take well to the "nice" approach.

    And do it doggy style.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    wait until you know the neighbors are home...then have sex with your BF and be really really loud...for hours.
    seriously tho it sucks. i would suggest going straight to the leasing office/landlord. people that let their dogs bark for that long with no regard to the neighbors probably wouldn't take well to the "nice" approach.

    And do it doggy style.

    and start barking
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Yes, go to leasing office. I actually had to do that once but the girls who lived above me had their dog on the balcony 12 hours at a time! Ok, I hate animals but I even thought that was cruel. Well one day I was on my porch with a friend and something started dripping on her arm. Yep, dog piss. The took care of it immediately.
  • PatientBearTiger
    wait until you know the neighbors are home...then have sex with your BF and be really really loud...for hours.
    seriously tho it sucks. i would suggest going straight to the leasing office/landlord. people that let their dogs bark for that long with no regard to the neighbors probably wouldn't take well to the "nice" approach.

    And do it doggy style.

    and start barking

    And howling.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    wait until you know the neighbors are home...then have sex with your BF and be really really loud...for hours.
    seriously tho it sucks. i would suggest going straight to the leasing office/landlord. people that let their dogs bark for that long with no regard to the neighbors probably wouldn't take well to the "nice" approach.

    And do it doggy style.

    and start barking

    And howling.
    And start screaming about how you love a good bone.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    They make this really great product that you can plug in that makes a noise (ultrasonic I think) that shuts e dog up when they bark. You won't hear it. I had one years ago when my sheltie got obnoxious in our dog building due to the same issue you are experiencing. Good luck!
  • kayleeblue
    Get some flyers from local doggie day care facilities and put the in the door..maybe in obedience flyer. Can't blame the dog completely. It's only as good as it's owner makes it.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    Get some flyers from local doggie day care facilities and put the in the door..maybe in obedience flyer. Can't blame the dog completely. It's only as good as it's owner makes it.
    Yeah, the problem is usually in the other end of the leash :)
    But yeah, I would put nice note under the door (or to mailbox in case the dog eats the mail) just letting them know that their dog is barking constantly when they are away. Telling them that you're worried that the dog is not happy :wink: If it doesn't help, I would go to the leasing office.
  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    dont be a tattle tale... go talk to them. if they wont fix the problem, then be a tattle tale lol