
im eating to much protein will this do any harm? ive mapped out what im eating for the day on the food bit and says -12 protein? ive just started on here yesterday so a bit confused of how much of a bad thing that is


  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Unless you have some health problems that make you limit your protein intake ( such as kidney disease) there is no problem with extra protein. The calculator used here is general. I usually eat about 50 grams more protein and 50 grams fewer carbs than MFP recommends but I have hypoglycemia and that works best for me to keep my blood sugar even. I have been doing that for 20 years or so with no ill effects. My annual blood work shows healthy, normal values so do whatever works best for you. Hope that is helpful.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Busy at work so just a fast reply (sorry for the lack of niceties!)

    1) many people think the protein is set too low on here

    2) if you are doing strength training or lots of cardio, you need more protein

    3) going over you goal protein a little doesn't hurt you

    basically don't worry about it - I'm frequently over on protein.

    edit: ps this topic comes up a lot so use the search function on the forum to find other replies
  • LisaMariaCallow
    I go over my protein almost daily! I'm not worried, because I eat less fat & carbs than I do protein. I don't do the "Atkins/South Beach" thing where you don't eat any carbs, but I do stack my diet with more protein. As long as you're losing weight on a slow/steady/consistent basis, and this is something you can do for life, then do it!

    Good luck!
  • lyns20
    oh thanks everyone was a bit worried i was eating too much lol :)