mental chip change? oh yes!

Hi everyone!

I'm 26 years old, have been diagnosed with thyroidic problems (that are being solved), am overweight and since february trying to loose what's on excess on my body.
Since february I've lost until now about 10kgs. Not much, but I'm not really dieting, I'm eating everything I like, just try to not exagerate with junk and unhealthy food.
Also, I restarted to be more active, since my life as student and traducer is primarily sedentary... trying to push up my metabolism.
I make 3 times a week for 1 hour aerobic (low impact) and 2 times a week for 1 hour bodytraining (with situps, weights and so on).

Since one month I'm not moving my weight down and I think I know why: I still exercise too less, and I still don't have under control my sugar tooth that comes out late in the evening while watching tv. This will be my main problem while changing my mental chip to a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Hope to find here support, tricks, mindhelpers and such. I really hate giving up some delicious chocolate fudge cake and not lower down my weight anyway. :(

The results and strength I saw here to carry out the planning of losing weight motivated me to registrate.. so I'm here. :)

What I most fear is to have skin-problems because of the weight reducement, which is much.. those red-white strips on the skin (sorry my english is not my mother tongue, I have no idea how those 'skin scar marks' are called), having excess of skin out (like all falling down of the arms or belly).. really gives me headache..

Anyway, my goal is:
-to control my mind, appetite and way of eating
-to drink more
-to work out more and better, changing my sedentary lifestyle (though studying, being uner exams etc doesn't give such a high change-range.. but well)
-to lower my BMI and go inside my old jeans again :)

Wish you all, not luck, this depends to much on others-, but success!!