Getting back into exercise?

yoghurtand Posts: 119
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
For the past few weeks, I've been trying to get back into going to the gym, but it's just not working. I can't make myself get up. I hula hoop and do cardio in my house and sometimes go for walks, but anything other than that is just a no-go - it's like there's a mental block.

I used to be able to spend 2-3 hours running or on the cross trainer or swimming, but because I did those things to essentially punish myself, now that I am trying to be fitter again I can't make myself without getting scared I'll start all over again.

Any advice?


  • Do you have a buddy that would go with you? That might help.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Try a personal trainer at the gym. Their job is to motivate you to enjoy (or at least not hate) exercise. Ask the director of the trainers about each one's personality and areas of specialty so you can find one that you think you will 'click' with. Good luck!
  • I need motivation myself. so I bought myself a dress that I really wanted that was in my goal weight size. I really want to be able to wear it, so it gives me a reward for doing what needs to be done. That's how I get moving around, whether i want to or not and stick to my diet.
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    Power 90 or P90X

    Stay at home ultimate workout. You do need to own or purchase a few things (like free weights with enough variety and a chin-up bar), but you won't need to go to the gym with this workout. I've lost around 15 pounds with P90X and I'm about to finish week 2 of month 3. 3 weeks to go and I'm done, then I get to do it all over again, but I am going to modify it a bit for the second run through.
  • Just stay in motion - as you ARE doing. When we try to push ourselves before we are ready - THAT is what causes the mental block. Keep in motion doing what feels correct for you at this moment and keep eating healthy. Then one day you will desire to go to the gymn and it won't feel like a punishment.
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