Lets try this again!!

Another web site, another way of tracking....like many of us, this is not the first attempt at weight loss i am making. I need to do something serious! enough of the excuses. I have the ability to loose weight, now i just need to do it. I would love to hear from anyone in the same mind set.

Ima 35 year old male nurse ina busy level one trauma center. How many people want a 6' 310 pound guy trying to comfort them...1st impressions are important. On top of that, it becomes difficult to save lives when you get winded doing CPR for 10 seconds. lets get real and get this weight off!


  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome! And good luck to you! I am working to get the weight off as well -- I've beein in Nursing and I know what a strenuous field it can be. I'm rooting for you!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Welcome! I know how you feel. I've done WW and tracked like that. Now, I'm a SAHM and with this being free, I decided to try it. It's simple, and the app on my iPod Touch gives me no reason not to track. I've also worked in emergency medicine, so I know what you mean about running a code, then they have to run a code on you! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm 42 and like I said, a SAHM for now, going to go back to school next year. I've got a little over 100lbs to lose and am taking it one day at a time.
  • I think that's the key, one day at a time!! You can do this!