Am i the only one here....

...who doesn't "eat clean"?

...who doesn't like veg?

...who doesnt like wholegrain?

...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation?

...who eats chicken legs?

...who smokes?

...who doesn't obsess over drinking water?

...who's eating habits havent changed that much, just now in moderation?

...who doesn't eat breakfast, and doesn't feel bad about it?

...who gets annoyed when people say eat lots of fruit and veg, as if its the only way to lose weight?

..,who does all the above, and yet still loses weight, and feels they could do it forever?


  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Probably not. It is possible to be thin yet unhealthy just as you can be healthy but overweight.

    I like being healthy and feeling healthy personally, but I've pretty much always have issues with my weight. At the end of the day what matters is what you want. Now, if you ask for opinions on your diary and make it public, you will have to be prepared to hear things you might not want to but its up to you whether you want to take the suggestions or not.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whats wrong with chicken legs?!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Thank you.

    No, its not necessary. We all know what we "should" be eating. The fact is some of us can't, wont, etc. The aim for me is doing this in a way that is sustainable for me. I do what i can to make up for my very restrictive tastes health wise, i.e. supplements, cod liver oil, lots of training, lots of cardio. But it seems to be a lot of people think on by eating the green stuff, and cutting out everything "bad" is the only way to lose weight and stay relatively healthy.

    I personally feel that you only need to be uber conscious of what you eat if you really are going for that washboard stomach, fully toned look.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    whats wrong with chicken legs?!

    Well, its not chicken breast, therefore must be bad for you! :o The dreaded DARK meat!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Mmmmm... Chocolate
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I practice everything in moderation. If I want ice cream , I'll allow myself one serving and account for the calories. And no substitutes don't do it for me, I want the real thing goddammit. Same with pizza or pasta. I want to eat in a way that I can sustain for a long time, not for 5 months or two years, but forever. I eat two/three whole eggs a day *gasp* and have cheat meals once a week.
  • trailrider1963
    Before I joined MFP I lost 16 lbs. by eating what I always had, just less of it. It included a lot of meat and refined carbs and not many fruits and veggies. I started eating healthier to help with blood sugar swings, extremely high triglycerides and cholesterol, and digestive issues, not losing weight. I actually don't like vegetables and whole grains that much but I do feel better when I eat them. Yes, I still eat chocolate and chicken legs! If you feel well, are losing weight, and have no problems with blood sugar, cholesterol, etc., I wouldn't worry about it
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I don't eat clean, I still eat chocolate, I don't eat chicken legs but then I don't eat any meat except fish, I certainly don't obsess over water . . .

    My meals tend to pretty healthful but you'll see things like Vanilla Wafers and York Peppermint Patties as my snacks! :wink:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    ...who doesn't "eat clean"?

    ...who doesn't like veg?

    ...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation?

    ...who smokes?

    ...who doesn't obsess over drinking water?

    ...who's eating habits havent changed that much, just now in moderation?

    ..,who does all the above, and yet still loses weight, and feels they could do it forever?

    These apply to me.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I'm sure you're not the only one and I imagine that people who create a "diet" that takes away all of the things they used to do, they have more of a chance of failing. Why force yourself to eat things you don't like? That's no way to live. I think learning moderation is a HUGE step and if you think you can sustain that, then more power to you. Now....about the smoking....:tongue:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm sure you're not the only one and I imagine that people who create a "diet" that takes away all of the things they used to do, they have more of a chance of failing. Why force yourself to eat things you don't like? That's no way to live. I think learning moderation is a HUGE step and if you think you can sustain that, then more power to you.

    Exactly my view!
    Now....about the smoking....:tongue:

    Believe me, i know! :P But, one thing at a time! Id rather be a 150lb smoker than a 250 non-smoker at this time.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yes. You are totally alone in all of this.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    ...who doesn't "eat clean"? Clean during the week, dirrrttty at the weekend (if I get a chance!) lol

    ...who doesn't like veg? Don't like it but eat it, it makes me feel better in myself

    ...who doesnt like wholegrain? Did you know there's wholegrain in the kids cookie crisp cereal than my healthy stuff? Less salt and sugar too :-)

    ...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation? LOVE it - but try to measure it, I could eat 3 boxes in a sitting no lie

    ...who eats chicken legs? Yup why not?

    ...who smokes? No money no *kitten* - gave up 4 years ago

    ...who doesn't obsess over drinking water? - no but am a thirsty person anyway

    ...who's eating habits havent changed that much, just now in moderation? - Oh dear, yes they have but why - I felt like crap, I had to. Some people eat relatively healthily before just their portions were too big. I on the otherhand was on a fast track to a heart attack

    ...who doesn't eat breakfast, and doesn't feel bad about it? I do or I starve then binge, but wouldn't sweat if I forgot

    ...who gets annoyed when people say eat lots of fruit and veg, as if its the only way to lose weight? If you like actually putting food into your mouth all day (like me) yes it's the answer. If you're not bothered about constantly eating I don't think it is the answer.

    ..,who does all the above, and yet still loses weight, and feels they could do it forever? You are one lucky bugger, take a round of applause from me - well done!!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    ...who doesn't "eat clean"? Clean during the week, dirrrttty at the weekend (if I get a chance!) lol

    ...who doesn't like veg? Don't like it but eat it, it makes me feel better in myself

    ...who doesnt like wholegrain? Did you know there's wholegrain in the kids cookie crisp cereal than my healthy stuff? Less salt and sugar too :-)

    ...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation? LOVE it - but try to measure it, I could eat 3 boxes in a sitting no lie

    ...who eats chicken legs? Yup why not?

    ...who smokes? No money no *kitten* - gave up 4 years ago

    ...who doesn't obsess over drinking water? - no but am a thirsty person anyway

    ...who's eating habits havent changed that much, just now in moderation? - Oh dear, yes they have but why - I felt like crap, I had to. Some people eat relatively healthily before just their portions were too big. I on the otherhand was on a fast track to a heart attack

    ...who doesn't eat breakfast, and doesn't feel bad about it? I do or I starve then binge, but wouldn't sweat if I forgot

    ...who gets annoyed when people say eat lots of fruit and veg, as if its the only way to lose weight? If you like actually putting food into your mouth all day (like me) yes it's the answer. If you're not bothered about constantly eating I don't think it is the answer.

    ..,who does all the above, and yet still loses weight, and feels they could do it forever? You are one lucky bugger, take a round of applause from me - well done!!
  • winstonh
    I'm sure you're not the only one and I imagine that people who create a "diet" that takes away all of the things they used to do, they have more of a chance of failing. Why force yourself to eat things you don't like? That's no way to live. I think learning moderation is a HUGE step and if you think you can sustain that, then more power to you.

    Exactly my view!
    Now....about the smoking....:tongue:

    Believe me, i know! :P But, one thing at a time! Id rather be a 150lb smoker than a 250 non-smoker at this time.

    I've been smoke free for almost 6 months now, and I feel the exact opposite of you. And it's funny because now that I've quit smoking, the desire to eat cleaner (note I said cleaner, not clean) is huge and I even discovered I was hungry for breakfast in the morning after27 years of not having had breakfast.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Ty for the replies!

    Btw, i'm not stupid. I know I can't go on like this for the next year and still expect to keep losing. I dont even look at my sugar intake atm, as my nutritionist said not to. For now. With the amount of weight i have to lose, i can go like this for a while, but the nearer i get to my goal weight, the more i will have to start being more careful. So, im just enjoying this as long as i can :)

    My BP/cholesterol etc have always been fine, even when i was at my biggest, just lucky like that i suppose. I just dont want to "diet", eat all the right stuff, lose weight, only to put it back on again when i return to "normal". I'd rather learn and get used to moderated control.

    As for the smoking, I'm a realist. I know I wouldn't be able to quit just yet. Trust me, when im on that treadmill, running faster and longer than i ever have before, i DO think "What would i be like if i wasn't a smoker!?".

    Interesting equation that...i wonder where the line comes in terms of fitness...

    Is a general 250 non smoker fitter than a 200 smoker?

    How about a 300 non smoker, or a 174lb smoker?
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    ...who doesn't "eat clean"?

    ...who doesn't like veg?

    ...who doesnt like wholegrain?

    ...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation?

    ...who eats chicken legs?

    ...who smokes?

    ...who doesn't obsess over drinking water?

    ...who's eating habits havent changed that much, just now in moderation?

    ...who doesn't eat breakfast, and doesn't feel bad about it?

    ...who gets annoyed when people say eat lots of fruit and veg, as if its the only way to lose weight?

    ..,who does all the above, and yet still loses weight, and feels they could do it forever?

    - I don't eat clean 100%. Maybe 40% haha!

    - I love veggies. Like CRAZY love. Mmmmm.

    - I like whole grains, but I can't eat a lot of them because I am gluten intolerant.

    - I DEFINITELY still eat chocolate. And not always in moderation........ :D

    - Chicken legs... I mostly eat chicken breast. But I don't really eat chicken that often either way.

    - I smoke occasionally, especially when I drink.

    - I don't keep track of my water intake. Because I drink water when I am thirsty, and have always carried a water bottle with me everywhere I go. I love water.

    - My eating habits have changed a bit. Definitely more moderation, but I have also stopped eating certain things because they just have way too many calories to be worth it anymore, and started eating things that I didn't really eat before because I found out they are pretty low in calories.

    - I usually eat breakfast. When I don't, I don't feel bad about it.

    - I don't get annoyed when people say eat lots of fruit and veg because I love both of those things and usually eat lots of them anyway (and always have -- I even did the raw food diet for a year and a half as a teen because I loved fruits and veg so much).

    - I am definitely still losing, even though I also still drink alcohol 2-4 days a week, eat chocolate, sometimes get Indian takeout... I just keep my calories lower. I'm even losing still while I want to be maintaining. It's all about habits. And exercise :)
  • clarehodgson14
    Yes me. I eat what i want in moderation, i log it and if needs be i execrcise it away. Add me if you like.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Maybe you are the only one that admits it. You really should stop smoking though.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    oops! double post