

  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Looks like most days you skip breakfast, this is really not a good idea. On those days, by lunch you are turning to low quality, low nutrient content meals to make up for it. I see quite a bit of sugar and simple carbs in your diet, and your sodium load must be quite high as well. Try to slowly change over to higher nutrient density , high volume, low fat foods. Have some breakfast EVERY day that include a good quality protein, some fiber and some fruit ( some steel-cut oats with blueberries and almond butter, scrambled eggs and and English muffin with peanut-butter etc.). To keep from turning to less desirable choices at other meals, try to eat a small meal every few hours ( a handful of almonds, some Greek yogurt, a piece of fruit etc.). You are already on the right track by logging and watching your calories, a few tweaks can help you jump-start your journey, good luck!
  • Thomas57
    Thomas57 Posts: 3 Member
    Please don't give up pretty soon you"ll see results. Let those that offer help!
  • wifeygettingfit
    Don't give up, just alter your meals & workouts a bit. Your food diary reflects missed meals, breakfast logged 2 out of the last 5 days, eat breakfast. Along with the missed logged/eaten meals you have meals greater than 500+ calories -- I don't know that our bodies can put to use that much at one time, so what it doesn't need/use it stores it away. DRINK MORE WATER! and lastly, when you begin to prepare something you're going to eat -- look at it and ask: what components of this meal/food will feed & fuel my body?