What Has Your Weight Kept You From Doing or Enjoying?



  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I have been over weight since I was young and can say it has stopped me from enjoying my life. I have only been swimming about 4tumew since I was 12 I have never owned a bikini (and never will since having children) and have avoided a lot of things as I was to self cincuous.

    Now I'm nearly at my goal/healthy weight I feel like I'm turning into a person I have never known before I'm confident and happy and it scares me sometimes but I can honestly say I'm finally living :)
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    However with 9 pounds lost I am starting to believe that I can do this, and with the help of MFP I am able to realistically plan my daily food and excercise which is giving me optomism. I will achieve it again and now I am educated enough to maintain it.

    Good luck to everyone x

    I still have my times of doubt but I'm starting to believe I can do this too. Right there with you.
  • pileomail
    pileomail Posts: 5 Member
    It is NEVER to late.

    That's something I needed to hear today. I sometimes struggle with whether that is true or not so it's good to hear it from someone who knows.

    I graduated in 1974 so we are essentially the same age. I allowed myself to be so discouraged because I kept reading so many articles about how difficult it was for women over 50 to lose weight. You know what, it doesn't necessarily have to be true. Maybe it's that we can do it when the time is right for us and the stars align and we just keep at it. When I realized how many pounds I needed to lose, I was convinced that I would never be able to do it. So, between the amount of weight to lose and my age, I felt overwhelmed too. I hate being defeated and when I admitted to myself that I wasn't even trying because I let those thoughts defeat me, I knew I could use mind over matter to turn it around. Using MFP has helped me a lot, as has the magic of exercise - LOL. This time last year, I was 178 lbs. Today... 115. Now that I realize I did it, I feel so much healthier and overall, a lot better about myself. My husband, at 67, has been inspired to lose 45 lbs, and my daughters feel like they have the Mom they grew up with back. May your stars align ;-) and best of luck to you in your journey!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    My weight has pretty much stopped me from doing and enjoying everything. I have always been very thin and now that I am at the biggest I have ever been its on my mind 24/7.. No matter what I'm doing.. I refuse to go out with friends because I am now the fat one of the group and I hate it :(
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    Buying the clothes I want to wear, I hate having to go to the woman's section. I also want to wear shorts again or a cute skirt and not feel like everyone is looking at how big my calves are or commenting on my "cankles". I hate that I let myself get this far and I'm very mad at myself, but I'm working on forgiving myself and starting anew to fix this. ...That felt really good, thanks for listening and letting me vent a little!! :happy:
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    A thriving social life.

    Early this summer, a carnival came to town. My friends and I went. I rode most everything no problem until I got to "the best ride there." I waited in line, and when I got on the ride and sat next to my friend, they couldn't secure the over the shoulder bar. It was so embarrassing. They had to move me to ONE PARTICULAR seat, and even there, they made me suck in and had to push it to lock. Even though I know it's less because I'm over-weight, and more because I've got a very large chest, I was still so embarrassed. I'd never had a problem before. I'm now afraid to go on any roller coasters until I lose 60 pounds or so. I've also always wanted to go to a water park. I'd just be comparing myself to every thin girl in a bikini.

    My weight has also prevented me from buying the clothes I really want to wear. Plus sizes (Torrid in particular) are so expensive! I can't afford that. I want to wear cute and sexy Halloween costumes. I want to wear skirts and dresses without feeling self-conscious. I want to wear corsets and sexy outfits for my guy.

    Even though in the past, I haven't been able to do these things, these are my motivation to keep trying.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Great topic :)

    I love fashion, but always have to put way too much thought into everything I wear, what will cover this lump and that bump etc.

    Mainly sex though :D I would love to be able to have sex without the thought of saggy jiggley bits distracting me. TMI?
  • I feel ya on the High School reunion. My 10 year reunion was last month but I didn't go because I was ashamed of my weight.

    I don't wear bathing suits in public, I don't dance anywhere ever. Sometimes I avoid doing social things if there is a lot of walking involved because I'm embarrassed by how sweaty and out of breath I get when everyone else looks like it was nothing more than sitting in a lazy boy recliner and I look like i just climbed mount Everest.

    i avoid restaurants with booth i cant fit in... its so humiliating to have a waitress show your group to a booth and it turns out you cant fit in it. =/

    and i've avoided meeting and going out with new guys because i'm so ashamed of how i look and feel. in my prior relationships i was obsessed with the idea that they couldnt REALLY want me, who would want to be with someone who looks like this, i know i wouldnt.

    lastly, i LOVE fashion, but i pretend that i dont because everything looks bad on me, and i cant wear the kind of clothes i really want to wear.

    i dont want to live like this any more.