Ankle trouble

I hurt my ankle when i was young and have always had trouble with it ( getting sore and hurting ) so ive started going to the gym and norm wear trainers .. but i didnt have them with me so i stupidly wore pimpsoles and did 45 mins on the treadmill my ankle the next day was SO sore it was hard to walk its been just over a week and can now walk on it without pain , and went for a hour walk today and its got sore abit again . Anybody got any advice or know how much longer i should rest it for ??? its such a pain as i just joined the gym :(


  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    i no how you feel i have the same problem suppose you need to rest it till it feels ok to workout agai have you got ancle supports x
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    I recently went to the doc with my ankle. I have a history of twisting my ankle and when I started going to they gym it got really sore. The doc found that I had an old fracture in the ankle joint and when I pulled a ligament a chunk of the bone came out with it. Right now I am in a walking boot for 2 weeks. He suggested I try to keep it immobile for 2 weeks, then start moving it. He said to draw the ABCs with your foot for slight movement in the ankle to get it loosened up. I will probably need surgery at some point to clean out all the bone, but right now that is not a concern. As long as I can walk on it without pain. I would suggest icing your ankle, elevating it and trying to stay off of it for at least a week or two. I understand the frustration of not being able to go to the gym. I am trying to do upper body workouts along with situps, pushups, etc. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  • Laurendaniellebushby
    thank you so much for the advice , i do have a support band on , and have been trying to stay off it for as long as possible i guess it just needs abit more time . it doesnt hurt when moving it about but wen i walk its sore :( lots of ice i guess x
  • Laurendaniellebushby
    bprouofu thank you for your reply also i hope your ankle gets better soon :) its really rubbish to not b able to exercise the way you want to x
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I have a really bad ankle - fractured and dislocated it as a teen, had three surgeries, that kind of bad. :wink: Pretty arthritic now. When I first start out on the treadmill, some days it feels really rocky and hurts like crazy, but after about 10 mins it's warmed up and I can do my full workout no problem. So you might want to try just exercising lightly and working through it, gradually getting it back to a normal workload. It gets better and stronger with regular exercise, so it's worth that initial pain.

    You've probably figured out rule number one now - don't workout without the proper shoes! If I wear bad shoes just to walk around in, I won't be able to walk at all the next day, so I'm really careful about what I put on my feet. No heels for me!
  • Laurendaniellebushby
    im the same with heels depending how high etc they are my ankle will just play up and get sore. when i hurt it when i was young the docs said there was nothing wrong with it .. and brushed me out of the hospital as fast as they could but its always played up since. Ive got running shoes now im just really excited to get bk to exercising ive just got to my 2 and half stone loss and back on track and motivated lol so it comes at the worst time
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    I hurt my ankle 1 1/2 years ago and still have trouble with it. I was going to the gym and found that the eliptical was the only thing that did not bother my foot. I could do that for up to an hour without a problem. Since then I have quit the gym and started doing the treadmill at home. After a week my foot was hurting so bad I had to quit dong it. So now I am going to go on craigs list and look for an elipitcal for the house. There are lots of them listed! good luck.