Maintaining-one step at a time!

Hi everyone! I've reached my goal weight as of last week, and have decided it's time to start maintaining XD As of now, my average calorie intake is around 1000(please, no judging. I have a very sedentary lifestyle and really don't get that hungry!) and want to increase to about 1200ish.
Should I slowly start to build up the calories? I was thinking adding on about 50 cals a week until I'm there. I don't want to pack on those 200 calories all at once for fear that all the weight will come sprinting back :(
Although I did hear that even if you pack it on all at once, your body will simply gain a couple pounds, then go right back to the way it was. Since 1,200 calories is still producing weight loss, then once my body gets used to eating that amount, I'll keep losing weight, right? :O
What do you think? Is 50 a week a good amount to start off of? Will my body pack on the weight or get used to it after a while? xD
Any helpful advice is greatly appreciated! ^^


  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Well done you for reaching goal weight. Sorry I can't help you, haven't quite got that far, but would 50 cals a day make that much difference? I'd start at 100 and see how it goes. Good luck honey, you've done good!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    50 a day is well within the "error" factor for measuring not going to do much by boosting that little
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Set your goal/week to 0 and that will give you the estimated number of calories to maintain your weight. Then you can slowly work up to it. I'm guessing that it will be quite a bit higher than 1000 calories, so it will take some time. Jumps of 100-200 calories would be good.