Jillian Michaels Workouts...

I've seen a lot of posts about how awesome Jillian Michaels workouts are--even if they're hard and kick your butt lol.

Just wondering if people have preferences on which ones they use or which are more effective?


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I LOVE JM. She's a pain in the *kitten* (literally), but she's one of the best. I've heard great things about 30 Day Shred.
  • Did 30 day shred yesterday & today all I can say is ouchhh!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I just finished the 30 day shred and it was awesome. Jullian herself can be annoying.
  • I personally like 30 Day Shred. I don't get to do it everyday but it really works and kicks your butt!
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I have the 30 Day Shred, but I have not tried it yet. I also have her Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout and that one is pretty awesome...yes she kicks your *kitten*, but she also makes it look good in the end!
  • muggle03
    muggle03 Posts: 86 Member
    30 day shred is good if you are a beginner and you have a limited ti e to work out. I personally love No More Trouble Zones. I pikes the first time I did it and it took about a month before I could do it all the way through. You def see results from her workouts within a week and I love how she motivates throughout the video. You can usually get them for about ten bucks at target so I'd say try a couple and see which one works best for you!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    30 Day Shred was great. Hard, but it worked. Right now I'm doing her Banish fat, Boost metabolism DVD which is kicking my *kitten*. It's a little different though- it's all cardio circuits. I have also ordered her Ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack. I'm seeing amazing results with her workouts so I plan to continue on!
  • i have JM Frontside for beginners. next will be backside for beginners. i tried the 30DS but i actually got sick 5 minutes on the 3rd day and had to stop. after i work up some more strength, i'll try it again.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I did my 2nd day of 30DS today...it's hard, but amazing. Haven't tried anything else of hers yet.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm doing her Shred with Weights. It's the first I tried. I thought it was going to be too much, but I kept at it. I'm seeing results I didn't expect to ever have, it got me moving down again with weight loss. I'm VERY impressed with it.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I'm almost done with 30ds. It is working great for me and gets me sweating which is hard to do. just once you learn the moves put it on mute! lol
  • I have completed Ripped in 30 in entirety and am working through 30 Day Shred (ripped is harder and the shred just isn't the same I guess).... But I love how hard you work, the shortness of the workout, the muscles I have built and am still building!!!

    She says a lot of good things, too. Reminds you how hard you worked, how you should care about you, how you should come first so that you are healthy enough to give to others in your life.

    She can also be annoying.. and I find it interesting she doesn't do the workout with you.. just parts of it.

    I do love her though! She has changed my body with her workouts and it has been worth it all!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member

    She can also be annoying.. and I find it interesting she doesn't do the workout with you.. just parts of it.

    It ticks me off that she doesn't do the workout with you. LOL
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I did my 2nd day of 30DS today...it's hard, but amazing. Haven't tried anything else of hers yet.

  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    Do you need alot of room with her video 30 day shred? You do with other videos like zumba and dancing with the stars...also, how would you input the exercise? Its not in the database...in fact no workout video is...so how would I know I am calculating the calories burned correctly?
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    They're tough! I have a book of hers, can't remember what it's called but it's basically a 30 day nutrition and exercise program. The workouts were tough and effective, though they needed a gym in this program which I no longer have access too.

    She had some really good ideas for meals but for the most part the recipes were fairly complicated with expensive and hard to find ingredients (swordfish? wtf). I don't have time to make 3 meals a day from scratch, I really am OK with having a sandwich or a bowl of cereal once in a while! So for a food plan I prefer the abs diet which is designed by your typical anti-cooking bachelor lol.

    But anyway, this thread is about her workouts so I'll say they're pretty awesome.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You do not need a lot of room for 30DS, just a mat. I enter it as circuit training. I don't count the warm up or cool down so I just put it in as 20 minutes.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Not really. If you have room to lay down and stretch out, you probably have room for this. I do it in the corner of my tiny bedroom.
  • Do you need alot of room with her video 30 day shred? You do with other videos like zumba and dancing with the stars...also, how would you input the exercise? Its not in the database...in fact no workout video is...so how would I know I am calculating the calories burned correctly?

    "ciruit training"

    it doesnt take TOO much room but you have to get up and down a lot (that part actually made me dizzy and sick to my stomach)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I just put in 20 minutes of generic aerobic exercise before i got my HRM which equalled out to be around 215 if you input 20 minutes. With the HRM it has been around 317, but the time actually ends up being 28 minutes. This was for 30DS.