cheat days?

Not the best to think about on New Years Day as we go forth with resolutions, etc, but....

I am curious to know whether folks schedule "cheat days" or "cheat meals". I have a long way to go on my weightloss journey and it is completely unrealistic to think I am never going to fall off the clean eating wagon. I need all the strategies I can get.

Do you think it is better to just know that one day a week (or every two weeks, whatever) you can eat what you like, or is it better to just go with the flow and plan your food accordingly?

What works for you?

ps HAppy New year!


  • HeatherD
    HeatherD Posts: 75 Member
    Not the best to think about on New Years Day as we go forth with resolutions, etc, but....

    I am curious to know whether folks schedule "cheat days" or "cheat meals". I have a long way to go on my weightloss journey and it is completely unrealistic to think I am never going to fall off the clean eating wagon. I need all the strategies I can get.

    Do you think it is better to just know that one day a week (or every two weeks, whatever) you can eat what you like, or is it better to just go with the flow and plan your food accordingly?

    What works for you?

    ps HAppy New year!
  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    ive heard that some people use the weekends at their treat days. i honestly think you should be able to at least once a week. and just because your treating yourself doesn't mean you have to go over board. if you love that yummmmy dominos pizza ( my fav hehe. + cheesy bread) go for it.why not have it once every couple weeks or so. just dont abuse it. have only a couple pieces. in my case it would be minus the cheesy bread and only a couple pieces of pizza. your allowed to eat what you want you just need to portion yourself i think. i hope i helped a little.

    Happy New Year!!!:flowerforyou:

    and good luck!!!!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Depends on the person in my book. Some people (Me included!) cant cheat for one day and then just go back on the diet.

    Others eat steady all week...and blow it on one day.

    15 years ago I went on a 1200 calorie diet. For 6 days a week I ate only 1200. Fish, chicken, veggies, fruits, cottage cheese, milk, and lots and lots of salad.
    On the 7th day I ate whatever I wanted. Didnt think about it at all.

    I also exercised every other day for 45 minutes.

    I lost a steady 2 pounds a week for the 8 weeks I did it.

    Now I was 32 and active with 3 young children, and I had not gone thru menapause at that time, so my system was a LOT different that now.

    My point is, what works for one, will not work for another.

    If you try this for 2 weeks, and it doesnt work. Or you have a cheat day and it takes 3 days to get back on track, then you try something else.

    Sorry...i am chatty kathy today!

    Hope this helps:flowerforyou:
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    I always leave enough calories OR do more excercise so that I can have one TREAT :bigsmile: a day. For the first 5 weeks it has worked for me, I lost 10lbs :noway: but for the last 4 weeks my weight has been static no loss :tongue: no gain :bigsmile: even though I am doing the same amount of excercise, so I will try the ZIGZAG method and see if that helps to jog my weight loss again.

    I only have 8-10 lbs left to lose and believe the last few take much :cry: longer to lose?????

    "Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble: :noway: but while we are here we might as well dance :drinker: :devil: !"
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    When I first started I had NO cheat meals or days. Once I showed myself that I could stick to eating right and healthy for a few months, I added one free Meal., not day, a week. I still planned out my day and tried to estimate what I would have for my free meal, and not go over my calories by too much.

    I am now at my weight goal, but I still onlky have 1 free meal about every 5 days, so that it does not fall on the same day every week, and it keeps your body guessing.

    As others said, you need to find what works best for you. There are times when I have NO free meals for a few weeks, because it's become so easy to stay with the same foods I've become accustomed to, though your body also becomes accustomed to it which is why i do splurge once in a while. Right now during the holidays, I've been on a 2 week splurge- LOL. And I've only gained 3 pounds. I was hoping for 5 before the end of the year (for personal reasons I was trying to gain a few pounds). Well now, it's timew to take it back off. I'm not worrried, but that's me. It doesn't work for everyone. :bigsmile:

    Good luck.