In need of HELP and INSPIRATION!


I currently weigh right around 185-190. I am recently engaged, and have a tentative wedding date of June 2nd.

I am hoping to lose about 40-50 pounds by this time.

My questions are:
- Is this possible?
- What are some good food tips?
- What are some good exercise tips?

I would really appreciate any tips and inspiration that you all are willing to give me!


  • luvautumn70
    Check into the Book by Dr. Mark Moreno Called The 17 Day diet. It has fast results. Ive lost 45 since april. Good Luck!!
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    Yes I believe its possible. Try get 40% Carb, 40% Protein, and 20% Fat from your daily calorie intake. Make sure you have a balance Carbs/Protein/Veggie meals. I like to break my meals in to 6 meals a day. You can check out my Diary if you friend me. I also weight train 3 times a week and do high intense interval cardio 5 times a week. Make sure you take vitamins and drink plenty of water. For supplement I take a multivitamin, vitamin B-12, and Mega T Green Tea fat burners.
  • SegFau1t
    SegFau1t Posts: 1 Member
    Generally a good goal is to drop a pound a week. Some people can do more than that, but dipping much lower can be hard to maintain over time. Looks like it's 39 weeks until June 2nd so if you try to aim for a 500 calorie/day deficit and add in a little bit more exercise you should be able to hit 40+ pounds by then.

    Food tips: cook as much as you can yourself! Try to get a lot of protein, which helps to feel full longer. Find a veggie you can snack on (celery for me, carrots work too) and eat that when you're just craving something to chew. Also green tea and coffee are good for you if you can drink them without adding anything. Be careful with juice, it sounds healthy but has a lot of sugar.

    Exercise: whatever you can do and stick with it. Find a sport, aerobics class, or martial art you like, and then stick with it. Heavy weight lifting is good for both men and women (and don't worry about getting too muscly, unless you're on steroids it will come slowly and you can stop any time). Check out Couch-to-5k if you're looking to get started with running.

    Good luck!
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    I imagine it would depend on how much you weigh now, your height and probably age. I've been told the healthy way to lose weight is 1 lb a week. I'm not going to check, but do you have 40 weeks?
  • MColette
    Hello there!

    Congrats for your wedding, I'm going to tell you what I do, and it is working for me. Nothing out of the ordinary, and lots of hard work, because there's no other way around it.

    I eat 5 times a day, small meals.
    Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner
    I switched to all whole wheat, whole grain, LOTS of vegetables, LOTS of lean protein. healthy fats.
    Everything as simple and natural as possible, (avoid processed foods), no fried stuff. I try to eat at home more.

    I do weight training 4 days a week, no matter what, even if i feel like crap lol
    I do cardio 2 days a week.
    Find workouts that you enjoy, keep it interesting, look for heallthy recipes, and try them to find ones you like.

    In around 3 months I've lost 15 pounds,
    And I won't lie, I have my good days and bad days, but results keep me motivated.

    Hope it helps!
  • Bluejay789
    You can do it. I am 5'4 and started at 190 pounds. I have lost 20 pounds!.

    If you have until June of next year, you can easily do that. Friend me and I will send you some tips so you do not make the mistakes I made my first couple of weeks and I will be glad to cheer you on.

    Congratulations on your engagement!

  • psolynik
    All the above have great points... 1 lb a week is a healthy goal and depending on your schedule, a good balance of both cardiovascular exercises and weight resistance training is a great plan.

    I try to keep things around the house that remind me of my goal such as a past picture of myself or health magazines. Most importantly stay positive and if you have a bad "calorie day", just remember that tomorrow is a new day. Just keep your eye on your goal; one day at a time!!! : )
  • Bsloop45
    Bsloop45 Posts: 28 Member
    I have started Couch to 5k a while ago, I just did my first 20 minute run last week! (Sorry I forgot to mention this in my initial post!)