YAY! Just got a juicer... :D

So share your favorite juice recipes.

Hubster will be going to the store in a bit to pick up stuff. We start juicing in the morning. We are going to replace 1-2 meals for a week or so, and then we will see how we feel about doing a 10 day juice fast.

I am also going to do my best at eating clean...I do love me some processed food though. I'm really going to have to work hard at breaking that cycle. I think giving up meat is going to be a cake walk compared to my need for Doritos and Chocolate covered granola bars....*sigh*

I have a friend that just finished a 10 day juice fast and she said that it's the best thing she has ever done for herself. And that she can definitely tell when she hasn't had her juice around mid morning. And once she drinks it, her body is happy and right again. I am so excited to try it out. :D


  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    That is awesome! Did you watch the documentary on Netflix about rebooting with juice? That's what I want to do, I just need a juicer...I think it would be awesome to do the 10 day fast. I know it would be rough at first but I also know it would be so worth it. What kind of juicer did you get?
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
  • Tonyaton425
    Tonyaton425 Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations on getting a juicer. I got one a few months ago and let me tell you, I love it! Juice fasting/feasting will do awesome things for your body and mind. I still juice in the mornings and am getting more into "green smoothies," yum. My favorite juice is beet, carrot, apple, and ginger. It is delicious all of the flavors blend well, and it gives you so much energy. Happy juicing!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm looking to buy a juicer later on this month....what ones do you all reccommend? Looking for fairly cheap but gets the job done!
  • You've got some willpower!! I have a really hard time going a single day without Doritos or some kind of junk food. Like you it was easy for me to give up meat too. Good luck!! Have you ever heard of MonaVie? My mom sells it, and it's expensive but it has seriously turned some people's lives around. She has MS and swears by it's effects on her body. Some people have claimed that it has cured thier disease (of course not proven because it works for some people and not others, therefore hard to say that it was the actual cause of the cured disease). I've had it before and it wasn't too bad and you only drink a shot glass of it 1-2 times a day.