What does it mean to eat your exercise calories?

What does this mean? Yes, I know it means to eat your normal dailry calories plus the ones that you are burning during exercise, but what does it do? I notice people brag "I eat my exercise calories"? What does this do for the body? Does it mean they like to eat and have no desire to lose weight?

Also, in your water intake, do you include the water you drink during exercise? Should this be included in the "8 glasses" of water that we are suppose to have daily?


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    the theory is mfp already had a deficit, exercise calories are on top of that, you eat your exercise calories back so you body gets enought fuel. works good for some not eating works good for some. some (as my self does) uses them as a buffer, like eating them if hungry, but not stressing over them

    Many people can eat back cals and still lose weight, some lose better when they eat them back. body needs fuel to burn. its a personal thing how much

    some will tell you the world will come to an end if you don't eat them
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    Does it mean they like to eat and have no desire to lose weight?

    no, it does NOT mean they like to eat/have no desire to lose weight. some people exercise and then find that they are greatly under 1200 calories, so they eat more afterwards to compensate for those calories lost.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member

    been trying to figure this out myself. On days when I pull exercise calories in the range of 1000 to 2000 there is NO FREAKING way I can eat all that back. I tried it for two days and felt so sick! I did not sleep either of those two nights. Now I only eat my daily goal calories and consider those extra calories gained back by exercise as a free pass, in case I over eat a little.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I usually end up eating about half of mine back...works for me. I wouldn't stress if you don't eat them all back. Yes the water you drink during a workout counts toward your 8 cups. Try to drink as much water as possible, it really helps!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    It does not mean they don't want to lose weight. In fact the opposite. They realize that MFP already sets a calorie deficit without any exercise figured in. When you exercise on top of that your deficit goes from a moderate one to a very large one. At first that can work for weight loss, but for the fast majority of people if they have that large a deficit, especially if they are not obese, their weight loss will slow or even stop. That is less likely when eating sufficient calories and only having that moderate deficit. Thus, they eat their exercise calories so that their weight loss doesn't stall. This is the same reason MFP recommends only a 1 pound/week weight loss goal. Two pounds / week except for those who are obese, is likely to high a goal and in the long run will hinder weight loss.

    http://shouldieatmyexercisecalories.com/ especially notice the various links on this page.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well, I eat my exercise calories because I know if I don't - my net calories will be too low and I will start to gain weight.

    Sure, I love to eat - but I love maintaining my weight even more! And not eating enough means that I won't maintain - it means I will GAIN.

    Understand that we are all different, have different lifestyles, different metabolisms, etc - - so what works for one won't work for someone else. Learning what makes YOUR body happy is the key to a long term successful weight loss journey. Plain and simple.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member

    been trying to figure this out myself. On days when I pull exercise calories in the range of 1000 to 2000 there is NO FREAKING way I can eat all that back. I tried it for two days and felt so sick! I did not sleep either of those two nights. Now I only eat my daily goal calories and consider those extra calories gained back by exercise as a free pass, in case I over eat a little.

    Two days this week.. I felt like I was stuffing myself to eat up to my net calories (Mon & Tues).. I wont' do that anymore.. if I'm not hungry then I'm not going to eat. Because Thursday and Friday I ate a lot! I guess it will all even out over the week. My birthday was Thursday, therefore I ate WAY more than usual. This weekend will be bad as well... off to the gym in the next couple of minutes!
  • fitmummy3
    Will be following this topic as interested to know myself. I am 5ft 3 and weigh about 7st 11lbs. I have no idea how many calories i eat in a day nor how many i burn off doing turbo fire (just started). I did do insanity and gained about half a stone which i couldn't believe. Am guessing from the responses that perhaps i wasn't eating enough but not sure why not eating enough would equal a weight gain. Very into my fitness but a bit thick when it comes to the nutritional side of things!! If you burn approx 600 calories during a workout, i am guessing from what i have read, that you are meant to add an additional 600 calories to your daily intake to maintain a weight?
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    the theory is mfp already had a deficit, exercise calories are on top of that, you eat your exercise calories back so you body gets enought fuel. works good for some not eating works good for some. some (as my self does) uses them as a buffer, like eating them if hungry, but not stressing over them

    Many people can eat back cals and still lose weight, some lose better when they eat them back. body needs fuel to burn. its a personal thing how much

    some will tell you the world will come to an end if you don't eat them


    I like knowing if I went over a little, I have that buffer there. But heres my feeling, and I'm gonna dodge the flames and hellfire thatay transpire after I say this......

    If the mentality always goes back to, "YAYYY, I exercised so now I get to eat MORE!" then the work you are doing now will still be temporary. If you go with a mentality of, "I ran 5/10/15 miles today.... How do I replenish the fluids and nutrients lost in this workout?" and have a recovery shake that is calorie dense but high in protein and some carbs, then go back to what you were planning to eat without thinkingof all the "extras" you can now indulge in will always yield better results. Trust me.... I have been there and done that many times. People look at me and think I'm naturally thin, and I naturally eat healthy. I used to be 200 lbs..... And for a long time!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    the theory is mfp already had a deficit, exercise calories are on top of that, you eat your exercise calories back so you body gets enought fuel. works good for some not eating works good for some. some (as my self does) uses them as a buffer, like eating them if hungry, but not stressing over them

    Many people can eat back cals and still lose weight, some lose better when they eat them back. body needs fuel to burn. its a personal thing how much

    some will tell you the world will come to an end if you don't eat them


    I like knowing if I went over a little, I have that buffer there. But heres my feeling, and I'm gonna dodge the flames and hellfire thatay transpire after I say this......

    If the mentality always goes back to, "YAYYY, I exercised so now I get to eat MORE!" then the work you are doing now will still be temporary. If you go with a mentality of, "I ran 5/10/15 miles today.... How do I replenish the fluids and nutrients lost in this workout?" and have a recovery shake that is calorie dense but high in protein and some carbs, then go back to what you were planning to eat without thinkingof all the "extras" you can now indulge in will always yield better results. Trust me.... I have been there and done that many times. People look at me and think I'm naturally thin, and I naturally eat healthy. I used to be 200 lbs..... And for a long time!

    sound theory
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    when we exercise, we are using up our body's fuel. To keep losing weight or maintain a healthy weight, you need to make sure your body has sufficient fuel. Otherwise, it will go into starvation mode-if your body doesn't get enough calories (good, healthy nutrient rich calories), it will actually hold on to your fat cells because fat is a source of energy for our bodies. I would definitely suggest you eat back at least some of your exercise calories, its just better for your body. Certainly don't make yourself sick, and listen to your body-if your not hungry, don't force yourself.

    Also, eating a small snack asap after you exercise is a good idea, it gets some fuel back in your system and you won't get hungry for awhile.

    Good luck!!