Looking for friends

ChrystenMB Posts: 23
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
I know the best way to stay motivated is for a support group. While my fiance is thrilled that I am starting this journey, it would be great to have some people who are going through this or have gone through this. I have 35lbs to lose, I am a working mom of a 2 year old boy and I live in sunny southwest Florida.


  • welcome to the group :D
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Welcome!!!! You will love this site! Please feel free to add me for support if you would like!
  • Hi Chrysten you are in the same situation i am in i have a 2 year old daughter and also want to lose 35 -40 lbs we can support each other my fiance does a littel workout with me but i think i am the one who is determined about losing weight! lol funny but i always get him to do sit ups and crunches with me. I live in riverdale Ga hello everyone else
  • Welcome and good luck! This site helps a lot, I think. The tracking of both food and exercise helps to keep me motivated. I'm not on here right now too much as I try to enjoy our short summer here in Wisconsin! Two things I do that have helped. I have Kashi Warm Cinnamon cereal, 3/4 cup DRY. Eat it like a snack. I also do not put ANY dressing on my salads. I thoroughly enjoy the individual tastes of the vegetables and protein (oh, and I always have it with some sort of protein, usually ham or chicken, to keep me going thru the day!). Again, good luck and hope it helps you as it is helping me so far.
  • For all . . . in the morning before I dress or right after, I pick up my hair spray bottle and my lotion tube (just to give me a little more weight) and do 100 jabs reaching from my hips and punching my arms to the opposite side. Then I do them towards the ceiling reaching my left arm up over my head and aiming for the left side and vice-versa. Then I reach out my arm like a jab but lean back instead of out and you can feel it on the sides of your abdomen. I do 100 counts of these all and I noticed fine toning within 1st week, subtle, but noticeable:-) Especially for flabby arms. I am done within about 7 minutes! Add kicking your left knee up to your right elbow while extended out in front of you and then the right knee to the left elbow. Do a count of 25-50 lifts. Every little bit helps!
  • bump
  • Hi, my name is Lanae and i'm new to all of this and i'm a little nervous about putting myself out there but i joined because i wanted to track my weight loss because i have been unhappy for a long time with my weight and decided to do something about by exercising and trying to eat healthier does anyone have any tips
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