Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Lost another 5lb this week taking me to 10stone 7lb (or 147lb) which is incredible as my target was 10stone 5lb! But I suspect part of that is the difference between the shoes I was wearing this week compared to last - this week it was flipflops to give my heel a rest from having plasters or socks rubbing on the sore part. Although I do think that perhaps I'm nearer my goal than I previously thought since I'm meant to be weighing me not my shoes, lol. So if I remember to wear the heavier shoes next week I may even revise my target weight down to 10stone (145lb) which was my original target weight when I first joined MFP back in March.

    I'm wary of putting my target lower than that as 10 years ago I weighed 9stone 4lb (137lb) and looked emaciated as I have a fairly broad frame and just looked like a bag of bones collar bone, shoulder blades and hips all stuck out and my face looked gaunt. That said if I can lose the weight to that kind of level and still look comfortable and keep my curves then I will do it.

    Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!!!!! APPLAUSE!!!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    It's been a whirlwind of a week this past week. I've had weight fluctuations and different distractions that have kept me in a disarray. I haven't exercised like I should this week either. However, tomorrow is a new day. I haven't had the chance to tell you all yet, but I went to see the doctor on Friday and he finally cleared me to resume exercise as normal (not including running because of my foot) such as power walking, step aerobics, and weightlifting. So, I'm really looking forward to that. I'm hoping that weightlifting will help get my weight loss back on track permanently. It's unfortunate that I'll have to begin again and be sore again, but I'm looking forward to getting back to my normal self. So, that's my goal this week. 3x of weightlifting, and 3x of either aerobics or power walking. I have to cook for my church dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday night so those days will be hard but I'll have to plan on getting up earlier and getting my workout done. My weight is moving back in the right direction again after losing two pounds (I'm still three pounds away from my lowest point on MFP still) so I'm happy about that. I hope it will stay away this time. Y'all have a great week. Only two weeks away from the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. My dress should come in by Wednesday then it's off to get it altered before the ball. Have a great week!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hallo ladies,

    Scubaangel, congrats on your weight loss. That's fantastic!

    Jenn - yeah, on been cleared and weight loss this week. What weight training are you doing? I think you gonna look amzing in your ball dress.

    Well, I am up 1 lb this week. My eating hasn't been the best this past weekend and yesterday was my DD's bday. My plan this week is getting back on track with my eating. I have no problem working out, it's just the eating. The good news, I am losing lots off inches. I bought a size 6 pants from BR yesterday.

    Have a wonderful day and work hard, everyone!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    So pleased that you can start working out more again Jen, so frustrating when you can't for whatever reason!

    Looks like the reading from last weeks weigh in might have been caused by a badly calibrated scale, todays weigh in was at 10 stone 11lb (151lb) and there's not a chance that I've put back on so much (4lb) in a week of what is now normal working out and eating. So I plan to go and weigh in again one morning this week and take that reading for this weeks weigh in.

    Taken measurements this evening, overall have lost 2inches, although my legs have gotten larger - presumably muscle gain from the running.

    In the mean time I've had a bit of a splurge day today, went out for dinner with a colleague of my oh's who works as an instructor at the site I'm a civilian worker. Just as our meals were brought to us a Company of trainee soldiers came in - hugely embarassing, as they all recongised him, and most of them fairly quickly worked out why they I looked familiar. Not helped by it being a restaurant which enjoys a reputation for being a fairly remote and 'romantic' setting. Ahh well, wonder how many rumours my colleagues will have heard by the time I turn in for my evening shift. :D
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi ladies,

    October was a terrible month for me. I gained 1.5 pounds overall and have been on this plateau that I hate. I am not using injuries as an excuse but it did make exercise more difficult and less intense. However, I could have eaten better calories too. Most days I was under my calorie goal even on my zig zag days so I really just think I needed a radically different exercise approach in addition to more exercise and healthier food choices.

    SO....Here's the good news.... I refuse to give up because doing so will take me backwards. I'm happy about the fact that I'm doing Biggest Loser Cardio Max and Boot Camp. My whole body is so sore, I drip sweat like crazy during my workouts, and this is something that I haven't felt/done in a while even when doing step aerobics. I mean, I sweat, but not drip sweat off of my nose and chin. I know that's gross but sweating makes us sexy...right???. I think this is a good thing and these workouts should help me to get off that stinking plateau. I'm keeping in mind that I have changed my lifestyle and that exercise is now part of my daily life so I'm not discouraged about the whole thing, just frustrated. No worries...I'm just gonna keep up with different workouts and I'll start coming back down. Hopefully November will be a really great month for me.

    Next Saturday is our final weigh in before the Marine Corps Ball. If your military parties are after this date we can continue the challenge until your party dates. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed =) Love all of you! Have a great weekend!!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    So pleased that you can start working out more again Jen, so frustrating when you can't for whatever reason!

    Looks like the reading from last weeks weigh in might have been caused by a badly calibrated scale, todays weigh in was at 10 stone 11lb (151lb) and there's not a chance that I've put back on so much (4lb) in a week of what is now normal working out and eating. So I plan to go and weigh in again one morning this week and take that reading for this weeks weigh in.

    Taken measurements this evening, overall have lost 2inches, although my legs have gotten larger - presumably muscle gain from the running.

    In the mean time I've had a bit of a splurge day today, went out for dinner with a colleague of my oh's who works as an instructor at the site I'm a civilian worker. Just as our meals were brought to us a Company of trainee soldiers came in - hugely embarassing, as they all recongised him, and most of them fairly quickly worked out why they I looked familiar. Not helped by it being a restaurant which enjoys a reputation for being a fairly remote and 'romantic' setting. Ahh well, wonder how many rumours my colleagues will have heard by the time I turn in for my evening shift. :D

    Congrats on that weight & inches lost =)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hallo ladies,

    Scubaangel, congrats on your weight loss. That's fantastic!

    Jenn - yeah, on been cleared and weight loss this week. What weight training are you doing? I think you gonna look amzing in your ball dress.

    Well, I am up 1 lb this week. My eating hasn't been the best this past weekend and yesterday was my DD's bday. My plan this week is getting back on track with my eating. I have no problem working out, it's just the eating. The good news, I am losing lots off inches. I bought a size 6 pants from BR yesterday.

    Have a wonderful day and work hard, everyone!

    Great job on your inches lost too! My weight training (for now) is easing back into it with Biggest Loser Cardio Max and Boot Camp. Otherwise, please go visit my blog because there are links there to let you know what arm routines I'm doing as well as blog posts so I can share with others what has helped me to be successful. Here's the link:
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Well the check weigh in and this weeks planned weigh in have put me back at 153lb, which is absolutely fine by me as it gives me 3lb to lose to hit my target so mke sure I eat well and exersize properly this week and fingers crossed I can make it!

    Did some overtime today so decided to finally take the plunge and run the longer route home, although I did take a minor short cut I wouldn't dream of taking when I run at night - pacewise managed it at about the same pace as my usual 1.5 mile runs which I'm pleased about as I definitely walked too often and didn't push myself as I'd just practically inhaled a piece of caramel choc cheesecake before I left work.

    Looks like the Btn my OH is with has decided not to have anything other than a 'boys' night out as a Christmas do, so looks like I'm relying on my employers to have a party to show off the weight loss.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Scubaangel -- You just keep up the good work, and party or not, people will notice. Heck, you could always throw your own party at your house and invite some people from your husband's work. Either way, your hard work will pay off many times over and I know you're lookin' great!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Scubaangel -- You just keep up the good work, and party or not, people will notice. Heck, you could always throw your own party at your house and invite some people from your husband's work. Either way, your hard work will pay off many times over and I know you're lookin' great!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Scubaangel -- You just keep up the good work, and party or not, people will notice. Heck, you could always throw your own party at your house and invite some people from your husband's work. Either way, your hard work will pay off many times over and I know you're lookin' great!

    Thanks Jen, sadly it appears that the weight loss is invisible to everyone except the scales, lol. Went to return the keys to my work place to the Guardroom and had a chat with one of the friendlier MPGS guys, who couldn't quite understand why I was in work out gear at 2115..on a cold foggy night like we have here. Still it's nice to know that he thought I looked good as I was even if I didn't feel it at the time (and I am quite ashamed to think of the outfit I was wearing on the night out that my group of mates ran in to him and his girlfriend as it still doesn't fit without giving me a major muffin top even now). On the upside he's going to come and meet me after work one evening when hes not on night shift and run around camp with me (will have to take the longer route then so its win win).
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I lost 1.5 pounds this week. As I said before, it's been a frustrating weight loss/inches lost ride during this whole challenge because of me being on a plateau and fighting through a back injury (that's all better now). Anyway, it's all part of the process I guess. So, here are my final results over our 10 week challenge.

    Weight -6.0 lbs
    Neck: Same
    Waist -0.80"
    Hips -0.70"
    Arm -0.10"
    Left Thigh -0.50"
    Right Thigh -0.30"
    Bust -0.05"
    Calves -0.50"
    BMI -0.80

    I have to look at the big picture and know that I haven't dealt with struggles like this having both a foot injury and back injury simultaneously and know that it was a rough ride almost the entire 10 weeks. My weight fluctuated like never before since beginning MFP and it is what it is. My overall results since beginning MFP, however, is VERY encouraging and that's what I'm holding on to. I've started a new exercise program to confuse my body. I've begun Biggest Loser Cardio Max and Biggest Loser Boot Camp. I know that's gonna confuse my body and get me back on track. I'll be attending the USMC Birthday Ball tonight and this is my first MAJOR goal since beginning my weight loss journey. I'm proud of how hard I've worked, my determination to get here and my refusal to throw in the towel when times are tough. I could not have said the same thing this time last year. I've come and long way baby and I've still got a little ways to go, but, "I'M GONNA GET THERE!"

    I'm so proud of each and every one of you who have stuck in here for the long haul. I'd love for you to post pictures of your holiday and military gala's when the time comes. I'll post mine hopefully by next week with a new blog.

    Love you ladies! ♥♥♥♥♥
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Jennifer, I am so proud of you!! Have fun tonight. You gonna look amazing in your dress, can't wait to see pic! I haven't weight in this week, will do it next week. Friday was my husband's 50th birthday.Lots of eating and drinking, lol!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Jennifer, I am so proud of you!! Have fun tonight. You gonna look amazing in your dress, can't wait to see pic! I haven't weight in this week, will do it next week. Friday was my husband's 50th birthday.Lots of eating and drinking, lol!

    Thank you girl! Thanks for participating in the challenge too!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Here are my pictures and my results:

    I am 5' 11" and am 42 years old. I've been overweight for 13 years.

    In 8 ½ months here’s the stats on my losses…
    42.5 Pounds Lost, 10% Body Fat Lost, and 5.9 BMI Lost. I was about to have to go up to a Size 18 (but never did - thankfully), and I'm currently a Size 10. I went from being considered “Overweight” to “Healthy.”

    Measurement Lost Update:
    Neck: -1.5”
    Waist: -8.80”
    Hips: -7.20”
    Arm: -3.0”
    Thighs: -10.00” (L & R thigh combined)
    Bust: -7.05”
    Calves: -1.5”
    That's a TOTAL of: 39.05"

    Picture on left: Late November 2010 (approx. weight: 200). My starting weight on MFP was 202.5. The two pictures on right are after I lost my first 7 pounds (195.5)





    "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out." ~~ Robert Collier YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    From the pics, it looks like your husband has a fabulous HOT wife! ;) You are inspirational!!!!

    You other gals are rocking it too! I wish I had had more time to interact with each of you!

    Here were my challenge beginnings:
    SW: 221.2 (9/1/11)
    November 12th GW: 199 (was my goal for 12/25, but I am ready to PUSH it!)

    TODAY'S WEIGHT: 204.9 (Soooo much closer than I thought I would be - but I COULD have done better!)
    RESULTS = -16.3#; lost 1.7"
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    OK so todays the last weigh in for this one, wow where have the last couple of months gone to?

    I started at 11stone 3lb (157lb), today I weigh 10stone 7lb (147lb) so have lost 10lb since 20th September and only 2lb less than my 12lb target.

    In addition I've started running again and am actually enjoying it right now, averaging 14mins for a 1.5 mile route home from work. I can't see many changes yet - some clothes are a little looser yet others still feel as tight as ever - but am hoping that when I attend my partners Christmas party in a couple of weeks I'll have a decent photo to compare to one taken while we were on holiday this summer.

    Well done to everyone who joined in, and a huge thank you to Jen for starting the group.