Its Now or NEVER

Hi Im Bianca and Im new to this site. Ive looked around and realized that Im not the only one struggling with this healthy life journey and I feel at home here. Im relatively new to this weight loss journey thing and this is possibly the hardest thing Ive done. I have epilepsy and the doctors told me that I need to live a healthier life if I want the seizures to cease. So here I am and Im hoping that I can help others thru their journeys as others have helped me. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step..
Well heres my first step!!
Good luck and God Bless
Bianca :]


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    it's now or never i ain't gonna live forever lalalalla
    sorry had to do it ;)
  • MissBianca9707
    it's now or never i ain't gonna live forever lalalalla
    sorry had to do it ;)

    LOL thats my husbands favorite song and his motto!! lol thx for the giggle ((giggles))
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    Good luck to you Bianca. You can do it!
  • MissBianca9707
    Good luck to you Bianca. You can do it!

    Thanks :) Good luck to you too dear and may God bless you on your journey to a healthy life. I hope that I can be here to help!