scale bother/horror

metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
Hi Guys,

I know that people say dont weigh yourself on more than one yes, I do say I failed that test, I had been using the one at the gym, which is a heavy duty digital scale that always sets itself back to 0.0 before you get on it after you put your 20p in.

I had been staying the same for weeks, but that was probably my fault, and then last week I lost weight, and I was so chuffed. Then a friend at work put it into my head that I should get my own set of scales at home, as I had purposly not done as I knew I would end up obsessively weighing myself...

Low and behold, on Wednesday night, I bought myself a set of digital glass scales for £10 (cheap I know but I'm on a budget).

So since Wednesday, I have weighed myself every morning, after the loo visit and with very little on...and...I've been going up steadily since wednesday, when I first stood on them, I weighed about 2lb more than on the gym scales, and then Thursday, Friday and this morning, I have gone up another 1lb and a half.....surely that cant be right, I've been exercising like there is no tomorrow and been watching what I've been eating (although a few slip ups but nothing that would majorly dent my weight loss) and drinking water like it's going out of fashion.

Sorry for the rant, just a bit upset about it, I think I'm going to return the scales and just stick to the Gym ones, but just wondered if anyone could give me some encouragement. Oh also my OH has been using both sets and he says that he thinks ours is wrong as his weight is all over the place too.


  • Stick to one scale and record weight at the same time; I record my morning weight and my evening weight. I even moved my scale from the bathroom to next to the refrigerator. While I do not stand on it every time I open the fridge, it is a nice reminder.
  • what you need to remember is your weight fluctuates throughout the day thats why you are advised to weight at the same time every week

    also as you already know keep weighing yourself becomes an obsession and does you no motivational good at all go back to the gym scales they are the best bet home scales can be so inaccurate its not even funny they depend on what type of flooring they are resting on and often some are so bloody temperamental they need to be left in the exact same place every time you weight and moving them often gives you a different weight entirely

    so cut yourself some slack will ya bury those scales somewhere they never need to see the light of day and go back to once a week at the gym scales
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the responses!

    I think I will either erturn the scales or hide them somewhere I never see them again, and as you say just use the gym ones once a week. That's what my OH is going to do as well, he said for me not to beat myself up about it but it is a shock when you think your doing well.

    Thanks again for setting my mind at rest :)
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    The gym ones are probably more reliable. Also depends on the kind of scale you have, but they can be affected by differences in temperature, humidity and the surface they are standing on (carpet vs. tile etc). I like having my own at home to prompt me to behave myself, but when I go to the doctors or a personal trainer, or weigh on my parents scales, the number is always different. I try not to get too upset by it, as long as the overall longterm trend is downwards.
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