Identifiying and dealing with the cause of your excess fat

I think this is a really important subject for ALL of us on here who are losing weight. I've always battled with my weight, and I know I comfort eat. When I don't, my emotions are just SO strong to deal with, its exhausting. And in all honesty I have yet to find an answer to emotional overeating. What works for me to lose weight are things like unlimited eating plans (e.g. slimming world) or upping the exercise in order to still eat quite a lot. In the long term, I want to find a more constructive way of dealing with the actual cause. Recently I had an experience which brought lots of emotion to the surface, and I sat with it for a while (a week or two). Apart from that, I don't know how else to deal with too strong emotions :embarassed:

I'm quite a spiritual person, so meditate but probably not often enough, but don't know what else to do. I'm VERY much all about the holistic approach to health, and want to sort this ongoing issue out right from the roots.

Anyone else overeat for the same reason? And has anyone here kicked the habit for good, by dealing with the true cause of your excess lbs, and if so care to share your hits and tips towards success?

Yours, a frustrated naturalkat. :heart:


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    well what i have found is that ever since i changed my lifestyle, i have fallen in love with exercise.
    whenever i feel upset or angry i will just go to the gym or go for a run and prove to food that i can do this.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Emotional eating is a way to self love and to self soothe. It is dysfunctional, but the motive that undrpins it - to take care myself - is a good one. The best way i have found to work with it is to find other ways of loving myself.

    first step for me was to stop fighting with my body, to learn to love it as it is. To see my body as me. To see my body as a source of pleasure in its own right, not as a blob I've been saddled with.My
    Then i needed to find other ways to love myself, and to nurture my body. For me, this was exercise, which i see now as a gift to myself, as a source of nurture. Similarly good healthy food - preparing it, enjoying it - Has become a way that i nurture myself.Is

    In addition, work out whether you really like the foods you are inclined to binge on. I discovered i don't really like chocolate that much, that it's an overland response to buy a box when im sad or stressed, but i don't really enjoy it much. Working out thwarting overland responses, and finding better ones helps a lot.

    Finally at the root of any compulsion like overeating for comfort is a sense we *must* behave this way. Try to work out whyyou *must*. for me this came from a deep seated belief that i was doomed to be fat, and i had to change my mind quite significantly to recognise i wasn't born to be huge, that i wasn't condemned to it.