Stationary Bike

So I am getting a bike in a few weeks. Problem is I don't know where to start. I wanted upright, but do i want the one that moves my arms or not? i feel like i should engage as much as possible so as to not get bored, but what if i need a break? i can't disengage them so they will just be flapping in my face. Is regular one too dull? Plus I have been seeing a ton of recumbent models and don't know what the advantage is of that. Does it work your abs being that you are laid back?

Any advice or personal expierience would be appreciated.


  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    my suggestion is to got to a fitness sales store and talk with the people and find one that will suit your needs and that you will use all the time.
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning. My husband had a spinal fusion a year ago and through physical therapy and his nuero-surgeon it came highly recommended to invest in a recumbent stationary as it is less stressful on your knees and back. We purchased one from his physical therapist when they were getting upgrades and I LOVE it!! My only problem is that I don;t think that the readings are accurate on the display. Good luck
  • henryann
    I have a recumbant bike that does not use arm movement. Love it. Have it in the bedroom in front of a t.v. and it has many settings so you can vary the exercise programs. I ride it 60 minutes at a time and never get bored. On nice days would rather ride outside on a regular bike.
  • dcfl2012
    I agree w/ the gentleman who stated go to a Fitness Store and explain your needs. I ride the Schwinn Airdyne Bike-w/ moving arms, its a work out...You can get your heart rate up!<>folder_id=2534374302042340&amp;bmUID=1314685872357&amp;gotoproduct=1&amp;sku=3550012
    Just have your Ipod or whatever & get motivating music on !
    Best of luck in your choice !!!!
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I went in for an upright and came out with a recumbent. Start looking now! Most fitness/sports equipment stores have floor models for you to try. Go every day, or maybe three times a week, and ride the bike you are interested in for at least 10 minutes each time. That in itself will let you know what one to go with! Good luck!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'd go to the junk yard and try to get a real bike for free